The Time I Waste

Time wasted in enjoying is not a wasted time.

The Time I waste

When I talk about time these are my first views about time. But almost 99.9% of you will not even think about this. I know I’m gifted with nonsense. So better leave it to me. But if you ask anyone around you what time means you?? or What are your views about time?? Then the first answer you’ll get is “Time is money”. While reading this, especially above two questions, probably the same answer went through your mind. Isn’t it?? Continue reading →

Behind the bars

Animals….They are amazing and interesting. Most of us love to watch them. I’m one of those who love to watch them but not in the cage. They should be free like we are. We don’t have restriction of any cages unless we are criminals. It’s a different thing that now a days criminals roam freely and innocent are put behind the bars. But are these animals criminals?? Nope.

Then why are they caged?? It’s really a pleasure to watch them roam freely in open environment. I know this because I’ve seen some animals and birds in cage and out of the cage. I remember the peacock I saw in wild life sanctuary. And then in the jungles. There is a lot of difference. The one in cage lacks the class and of course the freedom enjoyed by the one not in cage.

It’s a pleasure to watch a peacock dancing with few others in an open environment. I could never get close to him as they run away from humans very quickly. And they disappear very quickly. Most of the time you’ll find a feather fallen off in the way. That’s a gift he want to give. It’s precious as it’s not been taken away from the bird.

There are these rich peoples who want to show off by having a wild animal in house. And due to their needs there are markets where you find such animals. They are kept in brutal conditions and many of them loose their senses and health there. Also the lack of food or improper food is another reason. I’ve heard that you can find almost any wild animal for sale in Thailand. I don’t know why actions are never been taken on these.

Then there come some NGO’s and animal rescue squads to rescue the animals from cages. It’s a really difficult task to put them again in natural environment. they need to adjust to the natural environment. That is tragic thing. There may be an animal who is used to drink Coke or Pepsi. After the rescue it’s very difficult to find it in jungles. No one will open a stall for animals.

If you have wild animal(I’m not talking about wife’s) in your house then please free him. Let him enjoy a free life as you do.

The Monkey Menace

Monkey and menace are synonymous words. I don’t have any doubt’s regarding this. One of the quickest animal on trees. Yesterday i saw a whole bunch of them. I work on a site which is located almost in the center of the city. In spite of that there are many trees along with the houses. The animal habitat is frequently being captured by humans. We are trespassing their areas and destroying them for our own needs. I see many boards which say “Trespassers will be executed”. Sadly animals don’t know to write. So they cannot make such boards.

The Monkey Menace

Now they are forced to move towards the cities and villages for the food. This is a big issue. Let’s  keep it aside for this post. Getting back to the topic, In search of food monkeys come almost at the doorstep. Some of them jumped over the slab under which I was standing. They don’t seem to have any specific food to eat. They were eating leaves of trees which are tasteless. I know this because I tried eating those leaves. What if in case I have to survive on these? I did this to answer the question. Continue reading →

Voids in my life

Void is a term I first learned in my higher secondary when there was a chapter in chemistry related to this. Then it came again in my Engineering college where I had to create mix design samples. It was a part of project me with my friends did later on. These voids were very small but they give special properties to the material. They make them special. These voids should be small and not big for this.

Like those voids, I feel that I have many voids in my life. Past few days and weeks and months I am missing someone. Don’t speculate anything. This someone refers to someone. Someone with whom I can share my feelings. A good friend is not enough for this. This someone should be something special. This is not just a small void. It was earlier but now has grown big. Earlier there were some friends with whom I was sharing my feeling and they used to do the same. The voids ratio then kept low. Continue reading →

Are you Hard Working??

Of course you are. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading my nonsense at your office table. :p There was a small argument between me and my friend and that lead to the idea of this post. I consider myself as hard working person (may be it should be hard-ly). Working on many sites and managing them simultaneously is a tiring job. Add to that my physic which will remind you of your Biology lab. I don’t have much ready made sentences. You’ll have to read this sentence again and again in my blog.

I cannot remember how the argument started. Usually we never remember the cause of argument. We keep vomiting till we are dehydrated completely. (Yeah. I know some Biology terms). Then there was question about the timings of my work. I usually work from 9-6 (It’s not 69). He said he used to work till 3am or 4 am and then again get up by 9. Then back to work. I laugh at such peoples. They give reasons that their boss pressurizes them and makes them work that much. Here comes the difference.

I never work after 6 o’clock. Call me lazy, call me useless, call me not worth. I don’t care. I am paid to work between the time and I should try working as much as I can between that time. And I do that. I give as much as I can. I am not like those who will try to impress their boss by working overtime. Most of the time they do nothing in overtime. They just stay there so that boss should know they work overtime. Many offices give a cup of coffee free during that time. I like my coffee at home. I don’t want to save my money. Continue reading →