Spain Wins

It’s been days since I wrote about UEFA. I didn’t updated here. This UEFA was full of unexpected results. Right from the first match I got shock after shock. (Not electric shock. I would have been dead now). Sometimes it was really pleasing to be shocked. But other time it was disappointing. Especially the way France and Italy played.

The surprise package I thought were the turks. They played superbbbb. The match they lost was also a superb match. One of the best I’ve seen. They never seem to give up at any point of time. Always thinking they have a chance to win. That’s the spirit of winners. It would have been great if they were in finals. But doesn’t matter.

The second surprise was Russia. They also played well. The last match they played was a bit disappointing to the standards they maintained. I was expecting a tough fight from them. Though was sure that Spain will win. It was a repeat of the match on 10th. The scores were different but the margin of win was the same.

The final match. Spain with and unbeaten record entered the final as my favorites. They have won 21 continuous matches. Thats a great record. On the other side Germany didn’t really impressed me. They played well but not as winners. Another disappointment in finals. I was hoping for extra time and penalty. But the match finished with just one goal and within 90 minutes. The only goal was scored by Torres. The young Spanish team played very well. And they deserved this.

Spain Vs Germany UEFA 2008

A person I admire

Many will not agree with me in this case. Or they may laugh at me. I also expect some foolish comments here. But that doesn’t stop me. There are few peoples I admire. The things they did in their fields. The work towards making a better world. Helping others. And this guy is one of them. And he is Bill Gates.

27th June 2008 was the last day of this man in Microsoft. He did a great work in making Windows a common OS. Wherever you go the default OS will be Windows variant. Though he may not have programmed it all by himself. But the work done in promoting made this OS a great success. Microsoft is Microsoft because of him.

There are millions of users to criticize Windows. But the truth is, it is the best OS. The Internet is Internet due to Windows. The simplicity in using the OS did the trick. Now there are some users who are Anti-Microsoft and hence hate this man. I would like to tell at this point that I’m not Microsoft supporter, neither I’m paid by them to write this nor I’m against them. This is just for the man behind Microsoft. Continue reading →

Things making me lazy

There are many thing in this world which make your life easy. It’ll be more precise if I use the word lazy. Yeah they make us lazy. Due to Bikes and Cars we don’t walk much. Even a distance of 5-6 minutes we cannot walk. That is the effect of the machinery and life easy making goods. We don’t even know but they are making us lazy. Take this example.

This is a product called “Hubbacino USB Hub and Cup Warmer”. It just does a simple thing. I don’t even have to tell you what does this do. But for the sake of people like me I have to write this. This product simply keeps the cup of tea or coffee warm.

Many of us drink tea or coffee while working on Computer or Laptop. It is coffee most of the time. And while working or chatting or doing whatever you do on Computer, you forget the cup of coffee you brought. And you have to go again into the kitchen and make it warm again. So that you can enjoy it’s flavor. But this little things makes you lazy. It just don’t want you get up from your chair.

Just attach this to an USB port and keep the coffee cup on it. This little thing keep the cup warm and you can enjoy the coffee till it’s over. You don’t have to worry about coffee becoming cold and rushing to kitchen. And it’s not just cup warmer but also acts like a Hub.

Actually this company should pay me for this review which will increase their sales. But I’m doing this for free. I’m not a greedy person. ЁЯША

Think Nonsense…

Interpersonal Communication

Communication, as we all know, is the most important part in our life. Whatever we do is done through communication. Rather it be via post, or via telephone, or via personal meetings. But this communication is important. Nothing moves without this. And when you are on a job or especially a businessman, This skill is of utmost important.

The reason for yelling out above lines is the blog I came across. The blog named “Better Interpersonal Communication“. As the name suggest the blog features various aspects of Interpersonal Communication. And yes. It’s definitely Better Interpersonal Communication. After reading for a while I thought it’s a must visit for all. You’ll surely gain something of that reading.

The blog is based on the simplest template of blogger. As a blogger I visit many blogs and review them in comments or in some other sites. And I find many cluttered blogs. This is not. Things are nicely arranged and is balanced on both sides. It got some good sidebar links leading external sites. But loads quick as they are splited on both sides. Continue reading →

Coke Ambassador

I hope I got that spelling correct. This is summer time in some places of the world and there are heavy rains at my place. Most of the times in summer we drink these soft drinks. I’ve stopped drinking them since three years. So I’m not one of those. The popularity of these drinks keep increasing. Especially Pepsi and Coke.

Recently, On growing popularity of Garfield, Coke announced a new brand ambassador. Luckily I got his picture.

Atleast they’ll get a different breed of consumers…

Think Nonsense…