Talking Picture 03

Talking Picture Camel Car

What a relief!!! Petrol prices went down..

Rules :
1) One entry per user, per blog. Don’t use multiple blogs as separate entries.
2) Caption may contain humor or may not. In the end best will be chosen.
3) You should have an Entrecard account for the winning prize.
4) Entries open till Sunday 23:59 UTC
5) Winner will be announced on Monday.
6) At least ten entries are required to decide winner.

Winner gets 300ec !!! So what are you waiting for?? Suggest a caption and make the Picture talking.

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  1. Contest closed and I’ll announce winner tomorrow. It’s already tomorrow :p But I need to :sleep: This time I got good response and every entry was fun filled. Thanks a lot for participating. Get ready for the next one.

  2. First they took the car, then they took the house and now they are repossessing the camels, I told you to hide them at the neighbors.

  3. Due to the high price of gasoline, and the poor economy, there has been an all time high rate of “Camel Repossessions.” Nobody saw this coming 🙁

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