Tuesday Readings 07

I know you are bored of reading my blog. Probably you visit my blog on every Tuesday just to find something other than nonsense. Do you like my choice of readings??

This one I found through digging. I digg in my garden sometimes to get rid of weeds. But this digging is different and it leads to good reading stuff. 20 Things to do on Your Day Off is a post most of you will be looking for. It mentions just what it says. Many times you get out of ideas. You need someone to suggest. This one tells you what to do whenย  you have off from your work. I liked the 5th tip. :angel:

From the above post I jumped to zen please. That is the thing most of you must have done or will be doing now. Wow!!! I found one more post to blog about. 5 Simple Ways to Getting Things Done opens your eyes. Some more tips for me to get my life organized. What stroked me was the picture which looks like Garfield and brightens the post.

Next is my Entrecard dropper. I found her bog in my top droppers list. I confess that I don’t read all the blog I drop. Forget all not even my top droppers. But the things will change now. I’ll read at least top 10 droppers. Blessed am I is a “what I have” list. Such lists are often the fruit of “bored of blogging”. I don’t know about this post. Of all, the last one holds good for me very well. I have my faith in God.

Will be back next week with another readings post. That will pile up my archive. ^_^

Think Nonsense…

Tuesday Readings 06

For the last whole week I was offline and busy in festival activities. So that is another Tuesday with almost no readings. I am just trying to read and complete the blog subscriptions. They are good and readable to keep me updated. But hardly there is something which is worth a mention. I was just about to close this post by writing above excuse till…..

I read this blog for every update. One of the best one’s in my subscription list. This post about What is Signposting is another best. It tells us some very simple ways of signposting which will make conversation easy to follow to the listener. There is not much effort involved and I’ll be practicing it straight away.

The second is a blog which I skip sometimes. Just because as it said in the post it writes much about food. How to write a popular blog post is a post where I thought I’ll get some tips from him. It turned out to be a different one but it’s enjoyable. Now I am looking forward whether the author sticks to his blog or uses “sex and money” to promote.

Just two posts for this week. I’ll try to fill this gap next Tuesday. I’ll make this post popular by tagging it with words “sex and money” :angel: ๐Ÿ˜†

Tuesday Readings 05

It has been a busy week. I hardly had time to read something. But still I managed to put up three entries for this week. I may be offline for the whole week. So I may not be able to pull up next weeks readings. Why to worry about next week? Let’s start with this weeks readings. Please don’t visit and don’t comment anywhere. I have to write this because I hardly get comment for this part of blog.

Everyone is worried about wrinkles. There is no one who will like wrinkles. This post by a doctor puts something about wrinkles. It is useful and I thought of sharing. It roughly tells us what is good for our skin and what is bad. Read the whole articles about wrinkles at Dr. Jarret Morrow’s Arthritis Research Updates: A wrinkle in time…

Next is an interesting one. My almost all readings are interesting but this one is more. It is about hypnosis. There are many misconceptions about the hypnosis and this post tries to clarify some of them. It has succeeded for me. Some misconceptions cleared .If you have any misconceptions then go here.

This one I read yesterday. I really liked the mom’s writings. They are really funny.The blog is not a big one or and just started. But I really liked the entry. It’s a bit of adult humor. I am sure you’ll have some giggles. Read the entry here.

Tuesday Readings 03

I was worried about being able to post this due to my connection problems. But here I am. Lets start with 5 Ways to Face Down Rejection. Have you ever been rejected?? It has happened many times with me. In different circumstances and different locations. But a rejection is rejection. It’s very difficult to face it. Especially the rejection from your so called girlfriend and rejection at an interview which you were hoping to get selected. The above post gives you five ways to face it. If you can’t face it turn your back and show your …….. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Next is a blog which I love to read. Really helpful tips on communication and I want everyone to read that. That is why I promote such posts for nothing. The post I am talking about is Technology’s Effect on Interpersonal Communication. Today’s world is a small place through the various types of communication gadgets available. Now read how to use this technology for better communication skills. Continue reading →

Tuesday Review 01

Now it’s time for the best posts I read in the last week. As I mentioned earlier time is not a barrier for the content. Think that I am a bit late to read on those blogs. Two of my themes are similar in nature. The Sunday Review and Tuesday Readings. I may also include a post from the reviewed blog if I liked the post. Reason for these two themes is to promote blogs. So mostly the featured blogs may not have rank or may not be popular. But they are included here for the content I liked. I am already spoiling my page rank by linking to low pagerank sites. But it doesn’t matter to me. The lines above are for this post only. The next Tuesday review I’ll not repeat those.

The first post I liked is from my reviewed blog. 40 Days and 40 Nights is pretty good post to read. The author Prateek tried to create humor from very simple things in our daily life. And it’s really good. He is quiet successful in his attempt. I am yet to watch the movie so cannot compare with that. Don’t quit or skip reading because of the length of the post. I was about to do that. =] Continue reading →