Don’t forget to live


There is a long time period between the moment we are born and the moment we die. That time period we call as life. We have to live that. Don’t waste this valuable time in things you are not supposed to do. Neither waste your time doing nothing. At some stage you will face the situation stated in above picture. Don’t ever let that happen to you.

When we are kids, we don’t know life. We live it without any restrictions. The way we want. We laugh many times. No one have to tell us to enjoy the life. As we grow up, we stop living life under the burden of expectation and responsibilities. They do have priorities. But Never let them surpass your living.

Sing – Even if your voice is as bad a crow.(I am with you :biggrin: )
Dance – Like no one is watching you and Even if your dancing makes someone forget theirs.
Laugh – Even if people call you mad. Only make sure you are not sent to asylum.

Live your Life and…

Think Nonsense…


I was very much frustrated of being not able to blog for 4 days. After some efforts(???) somehow I got this blog working. And now if it’s not being updated daily then what is the use. After searching some shops for motherboard and CPU, I found the one I wanted. Got new PSU also. Though my current one works and is compatible. I somehow fell for the words you can say.

Then it took sometime to assemble all the things one by one. It’s been long since I had assembled a PC. I plugged one by one so as to prevent any further damage. Once Motherboard and CPU got working it was easy I thought. But then a painful installation of Windows XP and all that junk so as to get things working.

Still haven’t installed any software other than my favorite browser. It feels lot better to get back to blogging again. Will continue to post nonsense.

Think Nonsense… 

Back Again…

And I’m back. It’s been 8 days since I went for a break. I couldn’t post yesterday and today morning due to connection failure. Just wanted a break from this perpetual life for a while. I went to my uncles house. It’s really nice place to get yourself refreshed and get some energy into you. It’s a house, Better to call it as farmhouse, surrounded by trees. No coverage for my mobile, No computer, No good road leading to house, No noise. Very peaceful place.

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