Why do we think??


Ever wondered about this? Ever got a question like  this? Probably never. But I get this question when I am idle. I am still trying to find the best answer to this question. When you are idle, it is the time when you get so many question and it happens that you don’t have answers to them. You are desperate to find the answers. There are some silly questions also which you don’t put forward as you are afraid of being called an idiot or may be a retard.

So what do you do then? My bad habit of being restless till I find the answer still exists. So I start looking for the probable answer. One of the first answers is that our brain loves to think. So it cannot stop the process of thinking. You can say that the love is Romeo and Juliet kind of love. There is no certain topic or certain area of thinking. It is random and happens unknowingly most of the time.

The second answer is rather scientific. There was this doctor named Dr. No who did a research on this topic and finally he died of thinking too much about “Why do we think??Before dying he wrote the results in a diary. It took months and lots of efforts by the handwriting experts to understand and recreate the results. It said that there becomes some chemical imbalance in our brain which evokes the neurons creating impulses which picks up random words we know and generates a random sentence. This sentence then becomes thought. It was quiet clear that Dr. No was deeply researching and had lost his mind. Continue reading →

Sitting on the edge

Edges are dangerous most of the times. They hurt you as well. Sitting on the edge is what you won’t like to do. That is because you never know when you will fall. For an acrophobic person, The one who has fear for height, this is almost like a suicide. Without even attempting a jump he will be falling down from height just because of the fear for height.

Some years back, before joining to my first job, I was an acrophobic person. i used to fear by the heights. I was unable to go near the edges of anything high. imagine the cautious slow steps towards the edge going inch by inch. After joining the first job I had to climb the scaffoldings and the roof slabs for checking purpose. This is when my fear started fading. It still exists but to a small extent.

Sitting on the edge
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I cnt liv widout spel chckr

Did you notice? You were able to read the title correctly without any problem. Human mind can interpret the words written in the above manner. this quality is exploited and is being used in many places. Mostly this “places” refer to online hangouts, chatrooms, websites, blogs and we have mobiles. If you are not tech savvy  then probably mobiles is the place where you must have used this pattern of writing or texting to your friend colleague.

This thing turns out to be a good mind exercise. If you get too much of SMS in this particular language pattern then your brain gets good exercise. It remains fit and such mental exercise often increases your productivity(Do you feel I am exaggerating??). The only downside may be the phone bills for the replies of such messages. If you get too much messages you also need to reply to them in order to keep the communication. Continue reading →

Wake Up!!!

My love for movies is making me mad. I love to watch good movies and often torrents are the only source. Due to my limited bandwidth for each month, I have to use some tricks to get some downloads. That is because the unlimited downloading time is between 2a.m. to 8a.m. It is foolish thing to wake up everyday at that time and start the download and get back to sleep. So I just schedule them.

Over the years I gathered some good amount of knowledge for softwares. So I knew what to do. Just a little piece of software that will start the torrent client and then shutdown my computer just before 8a.m. It goes smooth most of the times. But there are times when it gets stuck and doesn’t download anything. I wake up in the morning only to find that nothing has been downloaded. That’s a bad start. Continue reading →

What’s the meaning of your name?

Have you ever thought of this? It could be this post which raised the question in your mind. How many of you actually know the meaning of your name? Have you ever asked about this to anyone? This anyone is most probably one of your parents. Especially your mother. But it is doubtful that they will know the meaning.

confused name

The thought that you are meaningless hurts. For most of you at least. There are many names which probably doesn’t have any meaning. What could be the meaning of John or Obama? In India every name has some meaning behind it. It makes us meaningful. 😀 With the exception of persons like me, everyone else is meaningful. Continue reading →