The magic of 300

It has been a short journey but today I achieved one more landmark. And that is completion of 300 posts. Many things are happening which I thought never will. I never thought I’ll be blogging so often and will even reach to this mark. The nonsense is trying to resist the heat and make a place in this huge blogosphere. One good thing will happen, I guess, that my writing will improve. The more often you write the better you get. You’ll get better nonsense to read. ЁЯШЖ

There are many stages of blogging and one of the most important stage is the saturation state. This state is what kills the blogs and leaves the traces as dead blog. This stage often occurs at four to five months after blogging. You want to write but you are out of topics. You don’t see them even if they are in front of you. Thanks to all the blogs I read that I survived this stage. Though I was in that situation. Continue reading →

What is Pro-Blogger??

I actually don’t know since when this blogging thing started. I feel the question is correct. It’s not Who is Pro-Blogger?? After this entry may be I’ll find out more about that. Since the start, there has been an exponential growth of the blogs. Almost anyone can create a blog. And anyone who knows to operate Computer and use internet is creating a blog. That is the secret of growth of the Bloggers.

But not all bloggers are same. Some bloggers are new or called as n00bs. They have little knowledge of blogging and just copy paste things around them. They write something about themselves and leave the blog. Many time they don’t update. I wanted a blog on Blogger and WordPress but the name I wanted was already taken. And it was just created and left. That’s not a Blogger.

Now how you can become a Pro-Blogger?? Truly speaking I don’t know. :love: Even I’m trying to find out this. The real definition of Pro-Blogger is not known to me. When I googled for the term I found the following definitions.

A Problogger or Professional Blogger is a person whose occupation is to write blogs for a living. He or she is considered an expert in his or her field and is an authority qualified to teach apprentices.

A Pro Blogger is one who gets paid for the Blog he writes or the posts he writes.

But then there are some Bloggers who are much successful in terms of hits to their sites. But still they don’t earn anything from their posts or blogs. Aren’t they Pro-Blogger?? Do they belong to Pro category??

The simple reason for the for writing this article is that I get to see many blogs or bloggers saying things. Like they want to be a Pro-Blogger. They are Pro-Blogger. May be the cash they earn is the only criteria for being a Pro-Blogger. Now I want to be a Pro-Blogger. It’s been six months I’ve been writing daily. I want that badge now ;-( . I feel related to the picture.

Pro Blogger

Minor changes in blog

I made some changes in my blog. They are minor or negligible but thought of writing about that. I removed the “Recent Posts” lists. Somehow I found that it didn’t made any sense putting there. (Oh….. When did I start thinking sensible??). The front page loads with five entries and “Recent Posts” with eight entries. I could have changed the number of entries but I thought it’ll make sidebar looooooooooong. This means now you have to click at bottom for previous entries. Till date I never noticed it’s written as “Next Page”. But that’s ok. I’ll change that.

The second thing was to show the number of posts along the category name. That will show how active(????) I’m in particular category. I need to improvise on “Free Web Hosts and Windows Tips and tricks”. The “Marathi\Hindi” category I’m stopping completely. I made a separate blog for that. But I’ll retain those posts here. The change will remind me where I’ve to post more. Yeah I forget that sometimes.

The third change was introduction of archives. The “Nonsense Archive”. That will show How much I post every month. So far so good. I’m able to post 30 posts per month. Thats a good sign. Moreover I may get some hits due to the size of archive. Many times when you see the archive contains good number of posts you start reading posts with a bit of interest. At least i do that.

Now have to wait and watch the results.

Think Nonsense…

5000 Hits

I’m Just stunned with the response to my nonsense. 10 days ago the counter was at 4200 and now it crosses 5000. And lucky me the 5000th hit was by me. It’s not a great achievement for many. But it is for me. The response to my earlier blog here was poor. But after learning things i started to blog again. And the success. This time the credit goes to Linkreferral. 800 Hits in just 10 days. Now I’m looking forward to such traffic building sites to get more hits. So far the rating to my blog is 4.93/5. Pretty good after 48 reviews. Almost no negative comments makes feel proud. Now have to live upto the expectations and improvise more. Thanks all the visitors for the response.

Think Nonsense….