Is this suppose to be “The End”??

Finally after 59 hours of trouble the fight between terrorists and policemens come to an end. For the last two days Mumbai was experiencing what is supposed to be the biggest terrorist attack on India. A very well planned and executed attack that certainly has created an environment full of fear. The whole city was and is still under the shadow of fear.

It hurts me in the way this was handled. As usual the politicians made similar statements what they say after the blasts or terrorist attacks. It is foolish of media to surround them every time such an incidence occurs and in return they get the similar replies. I cannot forget our “Home Minister” who is busy in protecting his home. No actions are taken to prevent such incidences. He is a busy person. He has to also look after his party and breaking up members of opposition. Continue reading →

Livewire News

What is this live wire?? Is it something that will give you a shock?? Nope. This is different. This is a blog service which gathers posts from blogs. You need to submit the posts and this is for free. The posts you submit are displayed as news items. Readers will vote to the posts and make popular. You just have to submit the post you already typed. Just copy paste stuff. Who doesn’t like copy paste??
Livewire News
You’ll say…. Yeah. There are many similar services available. They all provide such thing and are free also. Why should I join Livewire?? Then just have a look at the website. The layout is kept very simple at the same time easy to navigate. The simple design makes the site load in a flash. Most of the similar services take a whole lot of time to load. The site is neatly organized into categories. Easy to navigate as I said already. You can sort news “Top Today”, Yesterday, Week, Month and Year.
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