Earth Hour II

I missed it this year. Last year I even wrote a post about this. Check this link for the post. Another thing is that I thought it will be tomorrow. Last year Earth hour was on 29th March. I didn’t visit the site. Also I am lagging behind and my surfing time is going down these days. So wasn’t aware much till I landed on Google page for searching. There was the link for Earth Hour.

Though I missed it today I’ll do it tomorrow. Turning of everything for one hour will save a lot. It’s been days since my last post about environment. I scribbled in between the nonsense with environmental issues. But in the flow of writing Nonsense I forgot about the environment. You see that happens with every person. This happened unknowingly from me.

At this moment I am trying to recall my last conversation with Mother Nature. It was almost a year ago when I was on holiday at my uncle’s farm house. After that there has been a looooong gap.  It is almost like I am going away from nature. I don’t want this to happen.

So within two weeks I’ll be with nature for a short while. I promise this to myself. Meanwhile I will try to save energy and protect Earth from harmful CO2.  Join me and make a difference…

The feel good factor

After a lot of copy-paste stuff, uploading, zipping, unzipping and what nonsense, I finally brought my blog back online again. Everything is smooth at the point of writing. I really missed blogging during this long period. I got a habit of writing all my thoughts, nonsense to be precise, on this blog. If it doesn’t get out then I feel uncomfortable. That’s was what I was feeling. Now I am feeling good.

This month was too bad in terms of returns. I didn’t earn much mostly due to downtime. It’s not that I am getting greedy, but I want some name on this webspace. So I am investing money accordingly. My paypal limits are about to get over. Now I have to link credit card which I don’t have. It’s going good overall.

I have lots of plans online but I hate to say I lack in time. I am slowly gathering some time everyday. But I’ll be busy till the end of May. Only Rain can get me some extra time. I should pray “It’s Raining Man”.

Till the rain comes…

Think Nonsense…