Thank you god for everything

Everyday is not same. We go through a series of changes which may also change the course of our life. When we get something good or we are happy, we often forget to thank god for that. But when it’s bad time we suddenly remember god and that also for cursing. Why me? Why did you do this to me? What wrong I did? This happens when you forget to thank god. It doesn’t matter if it’s tiny or negligible thing. Just thank god for giving that.

A while ago, I read a blog where the author wrote good things that happen in his everyday life. I am trying to find that blog and will link it when I find. I don’t want to turn my blog into something similar like that blog. So I’ll write a post every week to thank god for the good things happened in that day.

  • I had a great breakfast in the morning.  Chapati with sambar tastes great.
  • I was late to get out of the house and was expecting to miss my bus. I didn’t miss that. 🙂
  • There was a dispute between me and an engineer from contractor’s side. It was solved peacefully. Thank you god for giving me enough patience.
  • I had good lunch with butter to add to taste.
  • I was able to convince contractors engineers again in another dispute. That was twice in a day. 🙂
  • I met a friend while returning to home, whose wedding I wasn’t able to attend. Happy to see that he was not angry on me.
  • A cup of coffee with some toasts and a comedy show on TV. Perfect for relaxing.

Do you thank to god? Would you like to? Would you like to create a post like this? Then go ahead and send me link to that post. I’ll put that link along with this post.

Fun on Weekend

After a long gap I had one good weekend. This year has been totally boring in terms of enjoyment. So do the weekends. They come and they go. I only “use” them to complete my sleep which I don’t get enough on weekdays. I sleep with the beginning of next day. That is why I don’t like anyone or anything interfering in my Sunday sleep. This time it was different and I had to go.

One of my friend is planning to build a new house. He wanted my advice as I am suppose to be a Civil Engineer. His house is around 30-35 Km from my. He is my cousins friend first. So my cousin asked me to come on Saturday for a weekend fun. Our weekend fun is limited and not unlimited. There are hardly unlimited fun times. This was another limited. There were seven of us including me and we had dinner and then Baskin Robbins.

I don’t know why I stopped going for weekends. Earlier my weekends were planned. Especially last year. Sometimes with this cousin and the other time with my friends or may be colleagues. That used to take junk out of my mind and I am fresh.  Now you have to read all that junk here in the form of nonsense.

This fun is just for 3-4 hours but acts as charge. I am thinking of continuing with such weekends. I am jobless on Sundays most of the time. Such weekends will fill that thing. I wouldn’t have faced this problem if I was drinking at least beer. One group of my friend celebrate such “wet” weekends every now and then.

Till I taste my first beer…

Think Nonsense…

What’s special in lunch?

Sleeping cat

That looks to be something special in lunch. Have you ever seen a cat sleeping near a table full of food?? I’ve so far seen cats “meowing” near such table. The “meow” is so attractive and irritating at same time. You get rid of that by giving some food to cat. Else it will surely climb up on hips or the table. Looks like this cat already finished a plate.

Signs that you are grown up

1. Your houseplants are alive, and you can’t smoke any of them.

2. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

3. 6:00 a.m is when you get up, not when you go to bed.

4. You hear your favorite song in an elevator.

5. Your friends marry and divorce instead of “hook up” and “break up.”

6. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.

7. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as “dressed up.”

8. You’re the one calling the police because those %&@# kids next door
won’t turn down the stereo.

9. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

10. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

11. You take naps. Continue reading →