One day with headache

I am not talking about my boss of work. I am not talking about my team leader(Wait.. there is no team leader). I am not talking about my girlfriend(It’s different from girl-friend. The hyphen clearly marks the difference. What’s more!!! I don’t have one). I am not talking about the beggar who bugs you every time when you are at the bus stop. I am talking about the headache. The one which gives pain in your head.

Yesterday I got a headache. I was on site and suddenly it started. I wasn’t able to have my complete lunch. Even the 2 liters of water. I took rest in my site office and decided to go half day. Well it wasn’t there for me. Some clients were to come on site and hence I had to be there on site. Then in the evening there was unnecessary dispute of the labor contractor and the boss of my work. My headache increased.

It almost happens every time that when I want to leave early, something happens and I have to stay late. I was there on site till 6:45pm. I asked the labor contractor to drop me at bus stop. I was hoping for a seat to sleep. Nope. At least I got a place to stand. I tried to sleep while standing. It’s a very difficult task to do. I wonder how horses manage that.

I came home. Refreshed myself and straight to bed. No dinner, No mails, No talking. Today when I woke up I decided to take a day off. Feeling good now. I’ll take rest for some more time and will try to complete pending work online. There is a lot of it. Only thing I wish is that this headache shouldn’t come again today and ruin things.

Think Nonsense…

Decisions… When will I learn??

It is decision time again. I got an offer which I can’t refuse. There is no gun pointed on me for the decision. I am not forced. The decision time is the most critical time and I think too much to take a simple decision. I am learning to take some good decisions and it feels good that I am improving. But when the decision time comes, I get confused.

This time again it’s related to job. I got a job offer. A better one from what I am working. So far my path of jobs is made up of small and small interval stops. I work for five-six months and leave the job. So I decided to work here for a full year atleast. Now due to financial crisis the work has slowed down. I was almost sure of pink slip this month but no. This makes me stay and continue the job for a year atleast.

The offer I got is better. A better salary, closer to my town and probably the work which I haven’t done so far. So I will get some experience. The project is also a reputed project and will attract media attention on the verge of completion. A chance to get my name in some where from nowhere.

It’s not an easy decision. I always feel God is testing me with decisions. He always puts me in some troubles and asks me to take decisions. Every  month I get atleast two job offers and this is first for this month. I think a good sleep will help in taking decision. WHatever it is. I am totally confused.

Think Nonsense…

Why are you late??

Way back when school was school and not a way to earn money, there was a lot discipline in the schools. I remember my school days. I studied in a christian school where discipline injected in our bloodstream. You can compare that with the military training. Schools too can discipline as effectively as the cadets or soldiers in military. The dumb students or those sitting at the back of the class surely think school as military camp.

Being late in school was never allowed. I hardly saw anyone coming late to school. When there was someone then that student has to take a long walk towards the principals office. To be frank, Our school was in discipline just because of our principal. There was a fear for him in my mind till my last year in school when he taught us maths. He always asked me for the answers and my answers clicked often. And throughout the school life I never heard that question.. “Why are you late??Continue reading →

Boss first

A sales representative, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out. The Genie says, “I’ll give each of you just one wish.”
“Me first! Me first!” says the administration clerk. “I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.” Puff! She’s gone.
“Me next! Me next!” says the sales representative. “I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.” Puff! He’s gone.
“OK, you’re up,” the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, “I want those two back in the office after lunch.”

Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say.

So far the jobs I did I followed above rules. I always let him say what he wanted and I was the last to comment. That may put a bad impression at start that you don’t know anything. But slowly the boss of your work realizes and understands. Another advantage is that troubles by his decisions will not be blamed upon you. That’s for sure. Anyone starting or joining first job make a note of this.

Think Nonsense….