Winner of Talking Picture 03

Winner of Talking Picture 03

So the winner of Talking Picture 03 is Sherry. Congratulations.. All other participants try next time. If you have won earlier that doesn’t mean I’ll discard you and choose other. You have equal chance. It’s the best combination of words that wins.

Think Nonsense…

Winner of Talking Picture 01

Winner of Talking Picture

The winner of first contest is Nina. Overall there were thirteen entries and almost every entry was funny and suitable for the picture. In the ned I have to choose only one. So you got the winner. The good thing about my contest is luck plays a very small part. It’s the thing you write that makes you winner. I hope all will participate again.

Nina gets 300ec. Due to this good response I’ll be increasing the prize value. Get ready on Thursday. I should not say best of luck as it plays little part. But still.. Best of Luck!!!

Think Nonsense…

Never Give Up…

For most of us the above picture puts a smile on our face. A frog almost a prey of the heron. But he doesn’t give up do easily. Catches the throat of heron so that heron will not be able to swallow him. Still has the hope that heron will suffocate and will let him out. Now its upto the heron. He can succeed in making him a prey if he can hold a bit longer or leave him and find another prey, get rid of the pain. Whatever may happen but the frog always wins. He’s giving his best to stay alive. If successful he’ll be a winner with a high confidence. If failed he’s still a winner as he did more than a frog can do.

No are you like the frog?? No one would like to be called as a frog. But in this case one will. Be like that frog. Push things as far as you can. You’ll get success. It doesn’t come easy.

Think Nonsense…