Thinking How Not To Think…

Unknowingly… I couldn’t think of better start. Thinking is a mystery process. It can create beautiful things. When done wrong way it can create things like what you see in this blog. The Nonsense. We start thinking of  something. The process of thinking starts and it finishes when you reach to a conclusion which you think is it’s end. This simple process is very complex but we do it unknowingly.

Have you noticed Windows, the OS you always curse. It’s got a progress bar when it’s loading. It is processing in background and in the end it renders a beautiful interface with which you can interact with computer. As a Windows user you must have gone through a phase when it gets stuck at the loading phase. The progress bar keeps scrolling horizontally bringing all the bad words you ever know for Bill gates. Irritation. Similar happens when you think.

stop thinkingSource

The progress bar gets stuck and in return you are stuck. You get confused. You are body less person. You are only head now which like surrounded by five brothers of your girlfriend punching you. Nothing else feels other than your head. The best part is, you have to think on how to stop thinking. Some more punches. Your head is size of pumpkin about to burst. What to do then?

Just find the body and rest the head on it. The pain will get transferred to the body and you’ll get relief. The progress bar moves ahead ready to render fresh thoughts.

I am going through the same phase and it’s my personal experience. Just use extra weights in your gym and see this thing working. I got a relief from all the thoughts fired at me from all direction. Not just quiet ready to think what I love to think.

But that should not stop you from thinking.
Till I get ready…
Think Nonsense…

A person I admire

Many will not agree with me in this case. Or they may laugh at me. I also expect some foolish comments here. But that doesn’t stop me. There are few peoples I admire. The things they did in their fields. The work towards making a better world. Helping others. And this guy is one of them. And he is Bill Gates.

27th June 2008 was the last day of this man in Microsoft. He did a great work in making Windows a common OS. Wherever you go the default OS will be Windows variant. Though he may not have programmed it all by himself. But the work done in promoting made this OS a great success. Microsoft is Microsoft because of him.

There are millions of users to criticize Windows. But the truth is, it is the best OS. The Internet is Internet due to Windows. The simplicity in using the OS did the trick. Now there are some users who are Anti-Microsoft and hence hate this man. I would like to tell at this point that I’m not Microsoft supporter, neither I’m paid by them to write this nor I’m against them. This is just for the man behind Microsoft. Continue reading →


rundll32.exe is a process which executes DLL’s and places their libraries into the memory, so they can be used more efficiently by applications. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. Nowadays many virus, Trojans, worms use this to affect the computers. But if you study this process it can be very useful. So I’m starting some tips and tricks on this in coming blog posts.

The syntax for using Rundll32.exe is as follows:

RUNDLL32.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <optional arguments>

The DLL name should not contain any spaces, commas or quotation marks. If the DLL name does contain spaces, use the short (8.3) version of the file name. This is the name which you’ll see if you use that file in DOS environment. Note the comma between the DLL name and the entry point. Also, the name of the entry point function is case-sensitive and there should not be any spaces between the DLL name, the comma, and the entry point function name. Full path of DLL should be given unless it exists in system folders.
There are a number of commands employing Rundll32.exe that can be entered into Start -> Run, a command window, or used in scripts. A common use is to open various Control Panel applets. (Another method specific to Control Panel is discussed here.) For example, to open the Control Panel applet for configuring the display settings enter

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,3

Different tabs for the Desktop applet can be opened by changing the number at the end that is part of the argument. All of the Control Panel applets and their tabs can be opened this way by using the relevant CPL file and the appropriate tab number as arguments. The operating system also uses this method to display Control Panel. In fact, Control Panel applications are the most commonly mentioned examples in discussions of using Rundll32.exe.

To be Continued…

Ubuntu 8.04

As I told you guys about 17th May being an offline day for me. I had free time and so i tried somethings. I wanted to make sure that the connection problem is not because of me or the hardware. So I decided to check the connection on Linux. Just few days ago I had downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 CD. I thought of giving it a try.


I popped in the CD into the drive and booted using that drive. The CD is Live CD. You can try Linux without installing it on your Hard disk. So to be on safer side I chose that option. It took some time to load the OS. There was lot of spinning sound from the drive. The spinning sound was just freaking. It used to be loud a moment and quiet the next moment.
Continue reading →


Have you ever been frustrated??  I don’t think (This sentence is true) any person exists who is never frustrated. Today was the time for me. I’m so much frustrated and I can’t explain.

I went for an interview in search of new job. My mind is like a butterfly. It cannot  stay in one place. I was late and told that I’ve to wait for 2-3 months. Every time I pass an interview I reject the job due to the salary. But this was first time situation for me. I never expected such thing. But I let it go and came home to blog something rubbish here.

And guess what… PC won’t start. I kept on trying for almost 4 hours with different troubleshooting possibilities. And at last it worked. I don’t know for how long. But It’s working and I’m typing rubbish to fill up my blog. Since Windows XP refused to install I had to install Windows Vista. Yeah it s***s. But it saved my day.

Will be back tomorrow  with some nonsense.

Think Nonsense…