Rest In Peace

You protected me from thorns
You protected me from nails
You protected me from water
You protected me from stony path

You gave me confidence to walk anywhere
You gave me confidence to climb sloping path
You gave me confidence to kick anyone
You gave me confidence to run without slipping

Now your time is up
Thanks for everything you gave me
Your journey ends here
Our relation ends here

But I will not forget you
You’ll be always my favorite
Thanks for the one and half year journey with me
May your “sole” rest in peace

Thanks for everything…
Thanks for everything my lovely pair of shoes…

Some Rest

Today is Holiday. 1st May is Workers Day and so the workers should get some rest. Isn’t it?? It’s on this day I come to know that I’m a worker. Otherwise I feel that I’m still a student hungry for knowledge. Now a days the workload is too much and I don’t have time to breathe. It’s amazing how I live without breathing.

The same type of work with no twists and turns makes me boring. The twists and turns are only from the Boss side. Almost like in any office I too get fired for no reason. Sometimes this makes me think that “Am I paid to digest this sort of firing?” the answer comes as No always. But the problem remains as is.

So today is the day I’ll be having break from this. For one day ofcourse. You must be saying there is one more day known as Sunday. But there is no charm of a paid holiday in that. It’s like my right and the holidays like today are my bonus. Haven’t planned for the day. But I’ll be looking into my old dumped .net project which I’ve not touched due to this job.

Would be good if something different happens and I have a great time today.

Think Nonsense…