What An Idea!!!

idea bulb

Situation: You are in deep trouble. If you are a student then probably your parents came to know that you are half the time bunking your classes and sitting in the canteen, Scanning every girl that pass by you. Or you have two girlfriends and while walking with one you find the second one walking towards you. Then there is worse when you are in a zoo in front of lions cage. You tease him and make him angry only to know that the cage is not locked and he can fulfill his appetite.

These are some situations that requires fast thinking else your life is in trouble. Every situation here can be approached in various ways. That’s because we have different thinking. These are the times when your creative mind comes up with unique solutions for the situation. These are called ideas. Continue reading →

Tongue Is Faster Than Mind

Human body is an unsolved mystery as it is formed of some mysterious parts. More importantly there is lot of variety in these parts and hence everyone is unique person. Even the identical twins are not identical. Each of them are unique. There is at least one part which doesn’t turn out to be similar.

Just like our eyes, nose, ears, skin the fifth part which aids in our knowledge is our tongue. Without this we want be able to speak. We want be able to taste. Just eating doesn’t help. When you get pleasure of eating, it doubles effectiveness of whatever you are eating. There won’t be any hotels and restaurants if tongue doesn’t function the way it is now. Thanks to the evolution.

Get the F*** out of here you son of a bi**h. Surprised!!! Every good thing has it’s bad points as well. So does our tongue. It helps you to taste the best things in the world. That surely relives you and makes you happy. It keeps you away from the bad taste. Before you take anything inside it passes through the tongue. That’s because tongue knows what’s good and what’s bad. It warns you if you are about to intake junk. What do you do? You ignore it’s warning let that junk be a part of yourself.

The result shows up on your tongue. You spit out some rubbish like what I said a few lines back. Especially when you are angry. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Till you realize what you have said, It’s already late. Arrow is released and you can stop it. I cannot force, I cannot preach you to control your anger. Instead I’ll point you to Giraffe. A normal Giraffe has a 18-20 inches long tongue. What he uses it for? To pick up leaves from the thorny trees. What we do?

Don’t ask for a longer tongue. Then you won’t be human.
Till you have a tongue…
Think Nonsense…

What Does Your Instinct Say?

Whatever we do and whatever we don’t, It’s our decisions which paint the picture of our future. Decisions are often very difficult. There are times when you are unable to decide. There are times when you have to take a quick decision. No time to think and there is no situation like “unable to decide“. In such situation, humans have mysterious and spontaneous reactions to the situation. We call it our instinct. Someone inside you (Not in your clothes) guides you to mark a way ahead. Your role is to listen to this “Someone” inside.

Very often we listen to what others say. Parents excluded because hardly any child listen to their parents. If you do, then your parents are lucky. So the “others” include your friends mostly who themselves are in a situation where they cannot take any decision. But they influence you to take yours. The results of this…. No guessing needed.

Why don’t you listen to the inner self? The instincts which always guide you to a safe path for the journey. Take example of childrens. While studying, they know what they are capable of. But if the parents are Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers then often they want their childrens to be the same. They don’t give a chance to their child to express himself. You don’t listen to them, but you are forced to. As I said earlier we have instincts which guide us. We don’t need anyone else to decide about us. Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.

It’s your life, It’s your destiny and not theirs. This doesn’t mean that ignore everyone else and do whatever you want. Listen to them but don’t let your decision fluctuate as you get advice one after another. The final decision should be yours and it should be influenced by your instinct.

Remember, Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.

Anger Management

Emotions are what our life is made up of. Among all the emotions love and hatred are dominating. Let’s forget about love because it’s very difficult to love someone. The vice verse is true. It’s very easy to get angry or hate someone. You don’t believe this? Most of you do. But for those who don’t, I’ll give an example.

A typical situation. Husband and wife. It’s morning and he is in hurry. He is getting ready to go to office. Wife is busy making breakfast and his lunchbox. At the same time preparing the kids for school. The husband cannot find his hanky. His first reaction is he shouts. Get’s angry on his wife. Wife searches for hanky, finds it and gives to her husband. Husband takes it and shoots away for office.

Here a simple thing could have cooled down the things. A simple bye or hug or may be a kiss. That doesn’t cost much.(It doesn’t cost a cent!!) But anger doesn’t let us to think from heart. In fact it doesn’t allow us to think. The wind of anger blows away the lamp inside our mind. A simple solution is what needed in such situation and we cannot think of such solution.

Anger management must be hot business. When everyone is in anger, there are lot’s of potential clients. The first step of anger management is known to all. Just count from 1 to 10 or 10 to 1. And when you are very much angry, count to 100. Another thing you should know is that anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. It’s better you carve this in your mind when you are not angry. Anger makes us strong, but that strength doesn’t last long.

So calm yourself and don’t get angry. Anger will not solve any problem but will lead to some more.

Till you are not angry…
Think Nonsense…

Reading – An exercise for your brain

Reading is an exercise. It’s like a work out for your brain. We are humans and we give much value to what we look like. So we exercise to get some muscle, six packs, eight packs and all that stuff. In the process we forget the thing which drives whole body. You know it, but you don’t give a damn. I don’t want to look like a geek or someone call me bookish.


Right from our childhood, we hate books. They are big turn offs. when you are out of the studies, you realize the importance of books. You wish you read at least you syllabus books. Now when you want to read you don’t have time. This is the situation with many. You get time to watch a porno, go to a club or just sleep. But no time for the books.

Exactly opposite to this, there are peoples who read a lot of books. That is good. In fact great. They are called Readers. Often they develop a taste of books. Here comes the bad thing. They try to impose their taste on you. You’ll fall for this as you think he is a good reader and has good knowledge about books. It’s not necessary that you’ll like what he likes. You may get frustrated by the book  and won’t read ever again.

So what can you do in such a situation? It’s better that “YOU” do not to develop of taste.  Read anything and just anything you get. Slowly it’ll become a habit and you’ll love reading. I did that. I always want people to read. Even if I know a book is bad, I stay away from making a comment. At the same time whatever others say, If I want to read a book I read it.

This exercise called reading not only trains your brain but increases your knowledge. This gives you a chance to show off at times. :angel: