The Disappearing Smile

A couple of days back, I went to the capital. Like every capital, there was rush. Lots of noise and you can’t hear yourself. I cannot define that rush. It’s for anything, everything and nothing. You don’t have time to help an aged person climb three steps. You don’t have a minute of time to talk to an old friend of yours whom you crashed into. Just a minute it all takes. If not a minute then a simple smile does the job. One second and seven muscles is all you need.

It was a hot day and I was thirsty. There is a dairy booth where you get milk products. You get Lassi, Flavored milk, toned, high fat and all that stuff. Everything is packed. Take it and run. Many prefer flavored milk because you don’t have to wait long and then you don’t have to stand in one place. Cut it, put a straw and rush. I bet you’ll find one who can win Gold medal in sprinting for India in this crowd. Maybe they get the strength from the flavored milk. I love flavored milk and is much better than to drink some cola or soft drink.

One aged person, probably in late fifties or early sixties, runs that booth. I ask him for one packet. I wait. Busy with other customers, He probably heard me. The pendulum swings very slowly(like the hero and heroin running in slow motion towards each other) when you are thirsty. As if it’s purposely slowed down for this little girl. This, looking like a five year old, girl gently pulls my shirt. One of those beggars dirty… Stinking. Her face subtracted from innocence. I normally close my eyes or go away but not this time. I turn selfish. Continue reading →

Making Sense Out of Nonsense

What is sense? and What is Nonsense? Webster dictionary gives the best definitions for these two words(often used by your employer as if they have copyright for these words) so I am not giving out the definition. For me it’s what other than me like is sense and what other than me don’t like is nonsense. But these other than me probably don’t know they live in a world full of nonsense. Just to give an example.

These other than me and I live in India. A great place to live where we are surrounded by nonsense. We have so called largest democracy in the world. The other than me say that I don’t make sense. Yeah. I am very much inclined towards nonsense. But look at what these other than me do.

  • They have sports minister who find it difficult to walk
  • They have a Prime minister labeled of many degrees but cannot take his own decision and is like a puppet in someone’s hand
  • They have health minister who is admitted to medical college only to cure some disease
  • They have criminals standing for election and these other than me elect them
  • They have light in cities and metros by putting the major part of India which lives in villages into darkness
  • They have food stock piled in ports and warehouse’s left for rotting when the prices for same commodities skyrocket
  • They have…… The list will go on and by now you too think that I don’t make sense

I am not trying to prove I make sense and other than me don’t. I am just trying to figure out sense from the nonsense. Let me tell you what is nonsense for other than me.

  • An Ox giving liters of milk
  • A dumb person taking part in singing competition
  • A bald person keeping a comb in his pocket
  • A sheep behaving like a dog
  • A donkey(how can I forget this animal) taking part in horse race

Isn’t it? Those are the lines which don’t make sense to other than me. And the list before this doesn’t make sense for me. Who wins here? Of course other than me!!! Majority always wins.

Till other than me find sense in nonsense…
I’ll Think Nonsense…

Baby Beer

beer drinking baby

You have seen baby bear. If not in real then on TV, magazines, papers etc. You have seen it, if you haven’t then visit the nearest zoo. They will surely have a place for a person who haven’t seen  baby bear. But this is not about baby bear. This is about baby beer.

The next generation baby will not drink milk but beer. At my place beer is a soft drink. Can you believe it??? But it’s true. You get 3 cans of 200ml for just a dollar. So it just matches the price of the soft drinks. Normally they cost Rs. 5 less. Just one more bottle extra. There is always a respect for the guy who drinks beer. It’s amongst the friends only though. I’m not one of them. I’m still to drink one..

So how do you like the future??? It’s beerfull.

Think Nonsense…