18 Days On Vacation

Life is getting busy. Now I have started playing pre-recorded replies like “I don’t have time”. This started from last two months. I was begging for a break from blogging so that I can gather some ideas and put some reinforcement into my writing. But I never decided when to take a break. That was till my April Fools prank.

If you wait for long enough, things come to you. The same thing happened with me. There is someone, some power looking after us. He sees what we want. He fulfills what we want. And suddenly one day my net connection was doomed. I kept calling on their support line but the problem was not solved.

Funny thing is the one who came to repair my connection didn’t even knew how to switch on modem. They were totally unaware of what the real problem is. Add to it another thing. Their senior who had knowledge about this was on vacation. So it was God’s full proof plan for my break. It was after his return that the actual problem was known and it took another week to repair it.

I must say though that I really enjoyed this time. Beach, movies and restaurant. Perfect way to enjoy. I also got time to read book. Though I haven’t finished the second one I bought. I got hold on some of my relationships and glued them. I was very happy for these things.

There were also sad things. My worst days on job. I really had bad time on job. Lotsa AK47 stuff. There was also rocket launcher by GM of our client. I was stressed out and desperately wanted to blog about this. I missed blogging too much for this. Now the things are looking normal. But you never know..

Think Nonsense…

Lack of time

Somehow I feel that I’ve very less time. I just find it very difficult to have some good content here. The last two lines used the word very. Actually they are the first two lines. A things that is not good at this stage. If the blog was among the millions of blog which die without updating then it would have been understood. But my blog contains some nonsense which some find worth reading.

The website tools tell that many of the visitors to this blog actually have bookmarked this blog. I never expected that someone will do that. It’s been 10 days since the release of WordPress 2.5 and I’ve no time to update. Somehow I feel bored of the theme also. I will change them soon. But when is the question not to be asked.

Do you actually have to think nonsense to write here?? I don’t think so. I don’t think much while writing. It just comes out. I want to give a full Sunday to this blog. But life’s very busy and I’ve made myself busy on Sunday’s also. Too bad. I’ll make sure this blog doesn’t die and you get your dose of nonsense.

Forgot to tell you guy’s that this is my 100th post here ЁЯЩВ

Think Nonsense…