Refreshing Sunday

Alas… It’s Sunday again. It is a day we all wait for. Especially the working people. For past few Sundays it has been pretty troublesome and I was unable to get some refreshment. Today it looks to be a perfect Sunday. I wanted a good sleep, so I slept early yesterday. Early for me is 11.30pm. My nose was running and thought better to sleep early.

I don’t know why this happens, but I happen to wake up early on Sundays. For last few weeks. That is because of the exercise I have started. Today I gave a break, ignored, and slept only to be waked up by my friends call. Woww!!! Perfect way to wake me up. Why I don’t switch of my phone? It is fun to wake someone when he is having good sleep. I do such crime many time. Now I get it in return. It is said that you pay for all your sins here and in this life only.

Sleeping Cat on Sunday

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Truth – The Last Part

Truth always wins in the end. But then there is no time left for celebration. That’s because it’s the end. And you cannot make the end to start again. This happens in Films though. Where after “The End” in the next show the film starts again. But that’s not the case with life. it ends when “The End” comes.

Imagine an innocent person. Innocent as a small child who is completely unaware of this world. But this innocent person is at least aware of it. So Just Imagine… Somehow he charged against a crime and gets punished for it. He gets jailed. he still believes in truth and wants to fight against it. It is very difficult to fight against lie and injustice from jail.

But then he manages to do that also. He fights… And fights… And fights harder. The law process as we all know is very slow. So he wins and 20 years are gone there. As I said the truth won as usual in the end. But what’s left for that person?? How will he live the rest of the life after loosing 20 years for nothing.

Lets say he wins after 2 years. Due to all the controversies around him that person will hardly have any social status. Although he is innocent but the so called society does not want to accept a criminal who actually is no criminal at all. So even if it’s 2 years the result remains the same.

Now what if the truth wins at start?? In the first hearing or the second. The things change. No one looks at him as criminal and he can live a normal life. But that will happen if we all choose the path of truth. If there is all truth around and very little lie then truth will always win from start.

Think Nonsense…

Truth – A Difficult Path

Continuing my entry about truth
The path of truth is difficult. Who told this?? Is it really difficult? No it’s not. The thing is we compare it with the path of lie. And then the path of truth seems to be difficult. What if we never knew what is lie?? And the path of lie.., Will that be a difficult path?? The answer is obvious and we all know that its “No”.

I speak lies. I admit it. And I used to speak a lot earlier. But some years back something in me made me go away from the lies. The number of lies decreased and the problems increased. But there was no situation like “If I speak the truth I’ll die”. And I started getting used to the truth. Today still I speak lies. But it’s almost negligible. But I do lie.

I want to be at a stage where I don’t have to speak the lie. The support from truth is rigid. You are sure that the support will never fail. Unlike the lies where the support is temporary and not a rigid one. I don’t expect all of you to speak the truth always. For most of you this may be an impossible path. But do give it a try.

We say truth is bitter and lies are sweet. But if we don’t know the sweet taste then bitter taste will be sweeter. And may be one day you’ll not like the sweet cake. (I love cakes. So don’t expect me to hate cakes 🙂

Think Nonsense..