It’s Never Too Late

After snoozing the alarm for two times at least, I wake up in the morning. Then I look at the watch on my mobile and suddenly I get charged up. Adrenaline pumps up like that of Popeye or Chev Chelios. Bath, Breakfast, Morning News and I run to catch my bus. I miss the bus and reach 10-15 minutes late. This time doesn’t count for others but for me it does. I am late. I don’t reach too late. So it’s never too late.

The same alarm I set an hour early a month back. What was the reason? Don’t guess. It was to start exercise. This is the most difficult activity which you are able to continue for long. I did well. My day then started an hour early. Simple 30-40 minutes of exercise and I am refreshed. What I forgot was it was summer. I already got too much of prickly heat. Due to this I had to stop my exercise routine. Still halted. Prickly heat is diminishing and soon I have to start up with my exercise. What’s stopping is the human tendency of not exercising again when the routine is disturbed. Me and those like me should remember that It’s never too late.

Due to my work in real life, my work in virtual world is very much disturbed. Many jobs and things are pending. When I decide I will finish this today, some problem shows up and I have to deal with that first. Just when I am done with that, a new one shows up it’s head. Now my work is aside and I am a problem solver. Days pass, weeks pass, months pass and my work stays at the same place. I just keep saying to myself. It’s Never Too Late.

I fought with my sister a year ago. As far as I can recall it was not my fault. Now there is a long running silent movie between us. Two of us and our parents are the audience of this movie. Ego’s clash and things get worse. Last month I said to myself, “Let’s end this”. But one side of me said, “It’s too late now”. The other side was unable to reply, “It’s Never Too Late”. I am unable to solve this mystery. Just waiting for the other side to say, “It’s Never Too Late”.

Till you are late…
Think Nonsense…

I am brave

I came to know this today. I killed one of the most dangerous species in this world. These take more lives than any other form. By now, if you are intelligent enough, you must have guessed the name. The great species with wings and a needle nose to bit. Yes they are mosquitoes. Don’t get surprised if you are reading this for the first time. This is a link for some statistics.

Usually I am a non violent person. I don’t like to kill anyone for any reason it may be. Just as an example. If an ant bites me I don’t kill that ant. I pick it and throw it away. But this mosquito made me go crazy. It kept biting me and the animal in me (Monkey of course) ,which was sleeping with peace of mind for a long time, woke up. I slapped myself and there it was. The act of bravery.

Monsoon season is the season of mosquitoes. You find many patients with dengui, Malaria and chikungunia. Mosquitoes are dangerous because the number of peoples dieing from the said disease is very high. If it’s monsoon season at your place then make sure you take precautions not to allow the reproduction of mosquitoes.

Make sure there is nothing outside your house which will hold water. Most common things holding water are which then act as reproduction house for mosquitoes are
-> Old tyres
-> Your or someones old shoes. May be new ones also.
-> Empty cans. Probably of beer or soft drink
-> Pothole which may store water for a longer time.

So the next time you see this species kill it. Feel proud to be killing this mosquito.

World without Civil Engineer

It’s difficult world without engineers. And especially Civil engineer. The above is an example. I’m a civil engineer by profession. So I loved the above picture. I got this set of images which explained what life would have without engineers. The engineers included were Computer, Telecom, Mechanical and some others. I tend to forget things that are irrelevant to me.

It’s not because I’m an engineer but if I wasn’t I would have sticked to the same thing. These hard working people make our life easy. Through construction we have almost captured the sea barrier also. Don’t believe then check the Palm islands in Dubai. We don’t know the importance till the day we are in their position.

What if the clothes were not fabricated?? How about wearing leaves?? I am pure vegetarian. So don’t expect me to kill animal and wear skins.

Think Nonsense…

World Environment Day

I don’t know how many of us even know this. But today is World Environment day. If you are regular reader of my blog then you’ll know that I write many things about nature and environment. So I would certainly not miss this opportunity. Preserve our environment. Do the smallest things possible you can to save it. Read the following posts and try to follow the simple things I mentioned.
But It Rained
Earth hour
Be selfish. Those things will help you rather than others.
Save Environment….

Telecom Day Gift

I don’t know how many of you knew this. But yesterday, 17th May, is supposed to be world telecom day. And do you know what gift I got?? My net connection was down for whole day. And it started working just a few minutes ago. Maybe  my ISP wanted to show their importance.

I usually post very early in the morning. That way the post published can be read by users in offices. Many of us just login to some daily blogs and news before starting the work. So for me its better to have my post published before the working time. One of the tricks I’m using to increase the readers to my blog. Not sure how far this works. But my guess that it works.

I waked up and turned on PC. Opened the browser and nothing is working. I thought it may be down for sometime. But no. I waited for an hour and it still didn’t work. I thought may be its an OS problem or a router problem. Somehow I came to know they were ok. So it was ISP that was having the problem. I tried to contact some of my friends who have connection with same ISP. But I couldn’t reach them. Then today morning called my friend who owns a cybercafe. And he told me that it’s not working since 8pm on 16th. Must be some major problem.

Whenever I’m offline I’ve great time. I watched some movies and was able to concentrate more on my .NET project. Things always happen for good. May be I should thank my ISP for that gift. It turned out to be a good one.

Think Nonsense…