Life without a price tag

The world today revolves around some shit of paper called money. Everything, well almost everything, can be bought with money.  Some say emotions cannot be sold. But what about the ones we watch in movies? They are emotions. They reflect on us. We laugh, we cry, we are happy, we are sad when we watch movies.  So in a sense emotions also have a price tag.

Money isn't everything

So what will happen to this world without money? Just imagine the world without money. While picturizing this you may get horrible pictures if you are a businessman or a banker. On the other side, one who is poor will be happy. There is no money and he doesn’t have to worry about money now. But will the life without money really remove poverty? That’s a question I cannot answer. Continue reading →

World without Civil Engineer

It’s difficult world without engineers. And especially Civil engineer. The above is an example. I’m a civil engineer by profession. So I loved the above picture. I got this set of images which explained what life would have without engineers. The engineers included were Computer, Telecom, Mechanical and some others. I tend to forget things that are irrelevant to me.

It’s not because I’m an engineer but if I wasn’t I would have sticked to the same thing. These hard working people make our life easy. Through construction we have almost captured the sea barrier also. Don’t believe then check the Palm islands in Dubai. We don’t know the importance till the day we are in their position.

What if the clothes were not fabricated?? How about wearing leaves?? I am pure vegetarian. So don’t expect me to kill animal and wear skins.

Think Nonsense…

Dare – How much you have??

Are you a daring person? Love to take challenges or should I say difficult challenges?? It’s a good sign to be a daring person. But there are some dares which seems to be foolish. And if you are one of them who attempt such then you are not daring person but a fool. Climbing Mount Everest is a dare, A good challenge. But Climbing it without any oxygen cylinder is a foolishness. Do take dares and challenges. But then don’t accept ones which will turn you into a fool.

Now do you dare to climb these??