I wake up in the morning after snoozing the alarm for five times at least. Wrapping up the bed, here I go for the natures call. There is this mirror hanged on to a wall. This object was bought by me. I wonder why I bought it. Doesn’t make sense huh?? It won’t. I am not that good looking to keep staring at what appears in the mirror. Maybe it was an unintended intention (??????) to see if I look good. I don’t know if the same mirror means anything to the rest of family.
That brings up one big question. Why man invented mirror? Was it man or a woman? They use it much more than we do. Isn’t a mirror waste of time? If I stand in front of mirror and comb my hair everyday, lets say for 5 minutes, Then I loose three hours of my life in a month. I could have used that to watch one Hindi movie with 8-10 songs or two English flicks.
The option of uncombed hair looks better now as I am converting into a movie buff.
A few days back, I read a story about acid thrown on faces of some young girls. This is the stage of your life when you want to look beautiful. Can you imagine the fear in their eyes when they’ll see their face in the mirror? I cannot comment on the crime committed as it will lead to a full paragraph of bad words but the role of mirrors is such that it will lead to a catastrophe. The world without a mirror seems to be a good place.
Then we have rear view mirrors.

These mirrors often reflect objects closer than they appear. They force us to look back and we do it. Not just once, but again and again and again. We develop a habit of looking back not just while driving but in our life too. If you drive often then you’ll know what I want to say. It’s not a crime to look back. You should remember one thing…
Life is ahead… Not the rear view mirror.
Till the next time you check out the mirror…
Think Nonsense…