How I became a Hindu

Since last couple of years, I am trying to know my religion. I have been ignorant. But the things happening around me, in my country have made me curious about my religion. Reading books, articles, trying to understand the festivals and rituals has added much to my knowledge. I am always searching for books written on Hindu Dharma. This quest has lead me to a book named “How I became a Hindu” By David Frawley.
Reading a book on Hindu Dharma written by a Hindu may contain biased views. So I thought of reading this book which has been authored by a person who was a Christian. An American Christian whose uncle worked for a Christian missionary. David Frawley studied Hindu Dharma for almost 20 years before accepting Hindu Dharma in 1991 with a new name, Vamadeva Shashtri. This book is his journey to India, across India and across globe learning and spreading Hindu Dharma.
The present situation is such that, Hindu Dharma is being attacked from all sides. The major role is being played by Christian missionaries and Muslim Madarsa. David Frawley explains how these missionaries and Madarsas are being funded by foreign sources to convert innocent and ignorant Hindus. The same money is also used to spread lies and hatred about the Hindu festivals and rituals. Often Hinduism is criticized for it’s caste system. You’ll understand that the differences that exist in our caste system are also present in Christianity and Islam.
He narrates about his spiritual experience in his conquest to self realization. His discovery of Yoga and meditation techniques which helped him reach a higher consciousness. During his travel across India he met Swamis, mystical sadhus and siddhas. The numerous temple visits across the country which strengthened his belief in Hindu Dharma. After accepting Hindu Dharma in 1991, He has dedicated his life towards writing books, articles and giving speeches in support of Hindu Dharma. He has been honored with Padma Bhushan for his contribution towards India and Hinduism.
If you are a Hindu and if you haven’t read this book, then you must. If you are not a Hindu and want to know about Hinduism, then this book is the best possible start for you. This book has given me a new purpose to know about my Dharma. The references used by the author will keep me busy reading for months. I have no doubt that this book will give you a fresh perspective on Hindu Dharma. Add this to your “must read” list.

The Cup Of Life

World Cup 2011 Champions - India

Second ball of 49th over. Dhoni hits a six and whole India erupts. Finally.. The wishes of 1.2 billion people came true. Yes.. India won the Cricket world cup 2011. 14 nations, 210 players, Almost 45 days of cricket action and it ends on a sweet note. Every Indian around the world will sleep in peace today. The rush, excitement, tension, pressure is all over. This is the time for celebrations. For many this may be a once in a lifetime moment. I don’t know whether this holds true for me. But this is indeed unforgettable moment for me.

The last time I posted about the world cup, I wasn’t that happy with the proceedings. It was quite a dull tournament in spite of being a World cup event of a sport. Since then, things started moving. Then they gained speed and momentum and reached a peak in the final. The second half of the world cup delivered memorable moments for cricket. My only disappointment was that England wasn’t able to make it to the finals. They produced the best matches of the tournament except the one which bought them ticket back home. Some say, the England players missed their family and wanted to go back home. Could be the reason for this shameful end.

The second half of India matches was filled with excitement. They played against the defending world champions Australia and arch rival Pakistan. I predicted the win against Australia as they are weak against spin attack. But the match wasn’t easy win. India fought hard and won the match. Then came the match of the tournament. The match which makes impact on the relation between two countries. The match which is the often called, “The Mother of all matches”. India Vs Pakistan. I just wanted India to win this match. I wouldn’t mind India loosing world cup but not this match. Our team looked far better than the Pakistani team. But it’s not your talent which decides the match result. It’s the ability to handle the pressure. This match creates heroes and villains. Heroes were born and India won the match.

Then came the finals. I have always tagged Dhoni as a lucky captain and I always will. He doesn’t have that talent or the skill which is often talked about. But his unorthodox playing style and decision making works for the team. And when you are a captain of Indian team, your own skill and talent won’t matter till you win matches for India. This final was different. For the first time ever, Dhoni played captains innings. For me, Gambhir is the person who deserves the credit of the win. Just like in 2007 T20 finals, He played a brilliant innings which got shadowed. Player of the tournament was deserved by Yuvraj.

After the 2003 world cup finals, My interest in cricket almost died. I hardly watched cricket. Very few full matches. That was because of the loss in that finals. They should have at least fought and lost. But someone said. If it doesn’t end well, then it’s not the end. This final is the ending I was seeking for. I was completely out of my mind. I jumped, danced, shouted after the victory. Something I didn’t do in many years. Everyone around me was happy. Strangers hugging and shaking hands. Smiles spread all over. Cast, color, religion didn’t matter. There is only one religion Cricket and Sachin is the God. I was very happy that Sachin finally fulfilled his dream of world cup. Players carried him over shoulder around the ground.

Tendulkar has carried the burden of nation for 21 years; It was time we carried him. – Virat Kohli

There is much more I can write about. But I like to stop abruptly.

Till you find a moment when you are completely out of your mind…
Think Nonsense…

P.S: The real reason behind India’s win is Rajinikanth


What The… Worldcup!!!

The most anticipated world cup has started. It’s been eight days and there is not much happening in this most happening event. As a spectator, I expect thrilling finishes and tough competition in worldcup of any sport. But this Cricket Worldcup has been pretty much boring till now. There are exceptions.

The first, ENG Vs NED match. This was a very close match. I thought this will be the first upset of this worldcup. Somehow, ENG managed to save their “BACK”(You know the word). NED, tagged as one of the minnows, played brilliantly. They deserved a win. Better luck next time.

The next match, PAK Vs SRI. PAK is our BELOVED neighbor. So I was supporting PAK as any GOOD neighbor will. This was way closer than what I thought. I expected SRI to win as they had the home ground advantage. They even managed to restrict PAK to a chase-able total. But this game, is full of surprises. Captains bowling and The lost nerves of SRI players helped PAK to win the match. SRI didn’t play to their potential. Just as one is happy of his neighbor’s progress, I was also happy that PAK won. In fact, very happy.

The third match finished just a couple of hours back. IND Vs ENG. I had a hunch that IND will loose this match no matter what. That was because of their poor performance against BAN. If BAN can score 283 easily then ENG can easily score 350 against IND. Guess what?? I was almost right. It was sheer luck that ended the game in tie. When IND finished batting and scored 338, everyone thought this match will go to IND. I was quite disappointed by the way they gifted their wickets at the end of inning. IND should have crossed 350 mark with ease. ENG began chase in right direction. The thrill started in the last 10 overs of the match. Game switching sides with every ball delivered, every ball played. No one expected a draw here. But one need to expect unexpectation in this game.

Was this just because the worldcup has only started? Or the pitches are flat and made for batsmen? Is it just coincidence that both ENG matches were thriller?



Someone put a life into this worldcup.

Making Sense Out of Nonsense

What is sense? and What is Nonsense? Webster dictionary gives the best definitions for these two words(often used by your employer as if they have copyright for these words) so I am not giving out the definition. For me it’s what other than me like is sense and what other than me don’t like is nonsense. But these other than me probably don’t know they live in a world full of nonsense. Just to give an example.

These other than me and I live in India. A great place to live where we are surrounded by nonsense. We have so called largest democracy in the world. The other than me say that I don’t make sense. Yeah. I am very much inclined towards nonsense. But look at what these other than me do.

  • They have sports minister who find it difficult to walk
  • They have a Prime minister labeled of many degrees but cannot take his own decision and is like a puppet in someone’s hand
  • They have health minister who is admitted to medical college only to cure some disease
  • They have criminals standing for election and these other than me elect them
  • They have light in cities and metros by putting the major part of India which lives in villages into darkness
  • They have food stock piled in ports and warehouse’s left for rotting when the prices for same commodities skyrocket
  • They have…… The list will go on and by now you too think that I don’t make sense

I am not trying to prove I make sense and other than me don’t. I am just trying to figure out sense from the nonsense. Let me tell you what is nonsense for other than me.

  • An Ox giving liters of milk
  • A dumb person taking part in singing competition
  • A bald person keeping a comb in his pocket
  • A sheep behaving like a dog
  • A donkey(how can I forget this animal) taking part in horse race

Isn’t it? Those are the lines which don’t make sense to other than me. And the list before this doesn’t make sense for me. Who wins here? Of course other than me!!! Majority always wins.

Till other than me find sense in nonsense…
I’ll Think Nonsense…