Happy Independence Day

India Independence DayClick To Magnify

Happy Independence day to all Indians around the world. Every person is proud of his country and he should be. There are times when we don’t like our country due to the politics and corruption and all the nonsense happening. But somewhere deep in your heart there is a place for your country. I have and today is the day every year I remind myself of that place. I don’t do anything special on this day. No flag hoisting, No National anthem. This day I just remind myself that I have to do something for my country. And this one time makes me remember that throughout the year.

After the high school, I never went for flag hoisting. It’s the bitter truth. I admit it. But that doesn’t mean I forgot about my country, I don’t love my country. I want to stay here. I want to do something for my country. Why should I serve any other country when my own country gave me so much?? This is my time to pay something back. I want to succeed in this and I hope I succeed. A request to all the Indians around the world. Your country needs you. Come back to home.

I salute to all those who gave their life for our independence. Because of whom we are now here. To all the soldiers on the borders guarding the country from enemies. Because of whom we can sleep without a worry. This post is to tell them that you are being remembered.

Vande Mataram!!!


This post contains nothing. It’s posted just to be a part of an event that takes once in in a millennium. The time is now 08/08/08 @ 08:08:08. And that’s something you’ll not be able to see again. If you have missed it then just be a part of this topic. There is no other use of this topic. By the way, you can get this time twice in millennium if your watch is 12 hour based. If your watch is 24 hour based then you’ll get 20:08.

Choose the one you want. In the day or in night. I’ll try to be at both times.

Think Nonsense…

Happy Friendship Day

Today is friendship day. It is supposed to be the first Sunday of August. Friendship is a relation which stands out of all. And today is the day to remember all your friends anywhere on earth or traveling in space or may be somewhere underground. Just remember the friend and I assure he’ll be doing the same. Whenever I remember a friend of mine I somehow get a visit in next couple of days. Or a call at least. Why I don’t call my friends is out of question. Something I never understood of myself. I do call them sometimes. But not often.

It used to be often when I was in college. Since my professional life there have been distances. My friends are found to be nowhere. I am still searching them on orkut and trying to have a knot there. When I am away from old friends it’s good that I am finding some new ones. Then I remember old saying. “Old is Gold”. They are pieces of gold and make me rich.

So this post is to remember all my friends all around the world whom I don’t contact or lost my contact. I still remember you. I still miss you. You always have a place in my heart.

Jetpack – Flying Dream


Amazing!!! Isn’t it?? This is an important news for me. I have always dreamed of flying. I’ll someday achieve this dream. But it’ll take a long time. So till then my dreams are my companion and my inspiration. Let’s not talk about dreams. I’ll write in detail about that. The Jetpack you see is invented by a New Zealand inventor Glenn Martin.

The inventor worked very hard and spent many years on that machine. There are many advantages and disadvantages of this Jetpack. I’ll mention them further. It looks a lot different from what it is. The usage of this jetpack are endless. It surely provide good attention on safety. This product is still not final and is still in beta stages. Continue reading →

Nonsense Revamped

After a lot of thinking (???) I made a list of changes for my blog. These changes are due to very less time I am getting online. I need some sleep. Currently I sleep around 1-1:30 am. I hardly get six hours of sleep which is necessary for anyone. In order to make my life easy and continue blogging journey I decided these changes. This is to achieve 30 readable posts per month. So here are the changes.

1) Sunday Review: I read a lot of blogs. Some are good, some are bad and some are ugly. I want to review them. Bad and ugly blogs need to be improved or else find a place in bin. I don’t expect backlinks or blogroll links or any mention for this. If they feel it’s necessary then I’ll be happy. I expect all my criticism if any to be taken in positive manner. I want blogs to improve including my blog.  If you don’t take it positive then you know what happens when positive meets negative. A short circuit.

2) Tuesday Readings: These are the posts I liked. It is not necessary that all blogs have all good posts. But I feel every blog contains at least one good post. And I’ll just try to pick that out. Don’t ever check the date and time of the post. The post may be a day old or a week or a year. Maybe more than that. I’ll post what I liked and read in past week or so. Continue reading →