A Reason To Rejoice

A busy day at your working place. You get out of that place for your way to home. Open the gate and then the door to enter your house. You are tired from today’s work and want some rest, to start your day again the same way tomorrow. Before you do that you get a surprise visit from your friend and he invites you for a party.

Forgetting that you are tired, you go with your friend. Suddenly you realize you forgot to close the gate and door when you entered the house. You opened the gates for rejoicing. You then have a great time with your friends. You dance, cheer, sing, laugh. You turn into joyful person.

When you return home from party you realize what you were missing. These things were in your To-do list. Time for these things never arrived. They were always for Tomorrow. They were never listed for Today. Trying to find out the reason, Angel of sleep take you with him in his kingdom.

The next morning, while having your breakfast, your eyes go on the newspaper. The headline is about some terrorist attack. Below it is a news about an accident. Then there is news about murder. Same news looks a bit different to you now. “What if?” is the question that whirls in your mind. What if something happens to me today? What if I die today? I’ll never be able to see tomorrow. My plans for tomorrow are not valid and they will never be. I cannot assume. I may not get tomorrow.

So why not start rejoicing today? Do the things you liked yesterday night. Dance, cheer, sing, laugh. They will make you happy. They will make you happy today. Tomorrow a war may start, An explosion may destroy everything. That is because hatred and terror is spread all over the world. Terror is global. If terror is global then why not laughter? Why not happiness?

Start doing all joyful things today. Involve some more people around you into this. Let this thing spread. If there is happiness and love everywhere then there is no place for hatred. Even if everything gets destroyed and you die, You die rejoicing. In India we say that souls are immortal. When you die happy you are happy forever. So spread the word.
Give a reason to rejoice…
Be a reason to rejoice…

P.S:- Please close the doors and gates of your house else you may loose some wealth. It is not necessary that you’ll always get your friends visit when you keep them open.

Why do we shout in anger

A saint asked his disciples, ‘Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?’

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said,
‘Because we lose our calm, we shout for that.’
‘But, why to shout when the other person is just next to you?’ asked the saint. ‘Isn’t it possible to speak to him or her with a
soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you’re angry?’

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the saint.
Finally he explained,
‘When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.’

Then the saint asked, ‘What happens when two people fall in love?
They don’t shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their
hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small…’

The saint continued, ‘When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to
each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that’s all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.’

P.S: This is shared e-mail. I loved it and thought of sharing.

I am tired of being tired

Tired cat

An empty chair to seat
for my legs to get some rest
and my bumps to have some stress
Pain in body is relieved
but not vanished

Standing up relieves my bumps
And puts stress on my legs
I feel the pain
It gets worse
What is happening to me?

Pile of files in front of me
I am trying to focus
Cool breeze kisses me
My eyes are closing now
What was there in that breeze?

Out there under the sun
He is trying to suck me
Like orange juice
For me, water is not enough
Nothing is enough
Thirst is never satisfied

My bed is not my friend
Not anymore
Laying on bed hurts
All the pain at same time
Then my eyes get closed
It doesn’t take long

The symptoms are repeated
They seem to be perpetual
once again the same question
What is happening to me?
I am tired
I am tired of being tired

Don’t forget to live


There is a long time period between the moment we are born and the moment we die. That time period we call as life. We have to live that. Don’t waste this valuable time in things you are not supposed to do. Neither waste your time doing nothing. At some stage you will face the situation stated in above picture. Don’t ever let that happen to you.

When we are kids, we don’t know life. We live it without any restrictions. The way we want. We laugh many times. No one have to tell us to enjoy the life. As we grow up, we stop living life under the burden of expectation and responsibilities. They do have priorities. But Never let them surpass your living.

Sing – Even if your voice is as bad a crow.(I am with you :biggrin: )
Dance – Like no one is watching you and Even if your dancing makes someone forget theirs.
Laugh – Even if people call you mad. Only make sure you are not sent to asylum.

Live your Life and…

Think Nonsense…

Getting Serious

This is one of the things I am trying to achieve.(Stress on the word achieve). You need to get serious in your life in order to succeed. These are the words of my parents and respectable elders. This holds true all around the world. Nice to know about the things binding the whole world as one or the common things which I am unaware of.

I have changed drastically in last 2-3 years. I was North pole before that and now I have become South pole. It is the same me but there is a widened curve on my face. Most of us call it smile. This smile is now a trouble to me. Now start laughing at me. Seriously.. Seriously… Nobody takes me seriously. I was enjoying this for all the time because of getting new friends. But now I want to be serious.

Whenever, Wherever (Nice song by Shakira. One of my favorites. She is awesome in shaking her …..) I go there is a burst of laughter. Everybody who knows me gives me a smile and greets me. Actually that is how you greet someone. But this smile is a bit different. It is for the person who brings smile on their face. It’s actually not for me as a whole person. It’s just for a part of me.

Many time it has happened that I used the sentence, “No I am not kidding. I am serious.” and there has been laughter after mimicking my sentence. At times it was pretty embarrassing also. The easy to go nature gets me pass through the situation. Otherwise frequently repeating scenes like these would have put me in deep psychological trouble. I would have lost my mental balance. (You think I have lost it??)

Is it necessary to be serious in your life to get success?? Isn’t it possible with an always smiling face? I wonder how the famous humor writers, stand up comedians or simply comedians get serious in their life. He is serious about humor. Isn’t that ironical?

Till I get serious…

Think Nonsense…