Never swallow bubble gum

Bubble gum

It is a habit for some to keep on chewing something without any hunger like a rat. Bubble gum comes for rescue such peoples. This too have side effect though and can cause serious problems. Like when it is swallowed, it can lead to above picture. Now don’t picture yourself there. 😆

One day with headache

I am not talking about my boss of work. I am not talking about my team leader(Wait.. there is no team leader). I am not talking about my girlfriend(It’s different from girl-friend. The hyphen clearly marks the difference. What’s more!!! I don’t have one). I am not talking about the beggar who bugs you every time when you are at the bus stop. I am talking about the headache. The one which gives pain in your head.

Yesterday I got a headache. I was on site and suddenly it started. I wasn’t able to have my complete lunch. Even the 2 liters of water. I took rest in my site office and decided to go half day. Well it wasn’t there for me. Some clients were to come on site and hence I had to be there on site. Then in the evening there was unnecessary dispute of the labor contractor and the boss of my work. My headache increased.

It almost happens every time that when I want to leave early, something happens and I have to stay late. I was there on site till 6:45pm. I asked the labor contractor to drop me at bus stop. I was hoping for a seat to sleep. Nope. At least I got a place to stand. I tried to sleep while standing. It’s a very difficult task to do. I wonder how horses manage that.

I came home. Refreshed myself and straight to bed. No dinner, No mails, No talking. Today when I woke up I decided to take a day off. Feeling good now. I’ll take rest for some more time and will try to complete pending work online. There is a lot of it. Only thing I wish is that this headache shouldn’t come again today and ruin things.

Think Nonsense…

When silence talks through sound of music

As the month of November nears, Goa gears up for International film festival. IFFI started on 22nd and will go on till 2nd of December. In spite of being a movie buff I went for the film festival only once. That too without watching a single film. But it’s a great environment out there during the IFFI. Even if you don’t watch movie you’ll still enjoy.

The father of Indian cinema is Dadasaheb Falke. He created fantastic films one after another and gave birth to Indian cinema. That was in 1913. At that time most of the films, well all of the films were silent movies. Expressing through silence seems difficult and it is difficult. But you can express it better than words.

One of his film “Kaliya Mardan” was screened on Sunday. I was not there as usual. I never knew about the screening. Different thing about this screening was that there was live music score in the background of the film. This made the film to come live without any editing or any mixing. I wish I was there. I shouldn’t have missed such an opportunity.

There have been experiments with some old Black and White movies which were turned to Color with surround sound. But they didn’t succeed much unlike this live performance which was appreciated by many. Now if only there was another screening due to lot’s of hype……So that I can go and watch this fantastic mixture.

The variables aren’t constant

I am a mathematics lover. Now don’t go on the title and quit this page. You may have a maths phobia as I found such peoples very often. They’ll want to skip this page immediately as it talks about two words used mostly in mathematics. Keep your fear aside as this is not going to be a mathematics tuition class nor a mathematics quiz.

Variables and constants play a vital role in our day to day life. Now variables aren’t constants and hence they are termed as variables. You have to grab the opportunity when the variables suits you. They are in favor of you. By the time you think of taking an action your variable may change and it may not be in your favor.

I like variables and I am partial. Variety attracts me as it is more influencing power than the constants. Take current stock markets. Why current?? Everyday stock markets. They vary and everything starts varying. When crude oil varies so do the stocks. Then they effect all the stuff in our daily life right from fluctuating costs of real estates to the price of sugar.(Diabetic peoples are not affected though) Continue reading →

Backup Weekend

It’s been almost a month since I backed up my data. So I thought of doing this today. Was busy the whole day creating backups. Whenever I do backup I make sure that they are easy to find later on. Due to this fact, I have to go on renaming files with a particular file naming format I created for my backups. That makes it easy to read.

Just for example, when I create a backup of movies (Yes the DVDrips of course) I have this format for the file name.


Now I know how old the movie is just by reading the file name. I make sure along with the movie file goes the subtitle file also. Though I watch all movies without subtitles, there are some points where I don’t understand words spoken. Subtitles come handy here. They are also useful for a foreign language movie.

While renaming I keep in mind that the file names don’t have space in them. Spaces are no trouble now. Gone are the days of DOS. Still I replace them by a dot. I find long file names unnecessary. I try to keep them as short as possible. This keeps the index data small though it’s size is already negligible.

The use of above tips is when you have your crashed but have safe data. Almost all data recovery software’s use a DOS based interface which spoils the file names. These tricks help you to keep them to a certain extent. I used to take backups every week. That habit is gone and I want to revive it.

Then I use a software to catalog the files. This way I don’t have to search the CD’s and DVD’s by manually checking them. Just after burning, I catalog it. I use WhereIsIt for this. Also the CD or DVD is named with a marker pen with same name as I save it in catalog. I search through the program. I check the results and I get the name of CD or DVD where my required data is stored. Spending just a little bit of more time makes thing easier.

Many things still to be backed up including the blog database. See ya later..