Tuesday Readings 04

I am not getting good response to Tuesday Readings post. I thought I would get. Anyways, I’ll still continue to blog about posts I liked most. The first one is perfect example that I pick post from anywhere. What makes a happy ending?? is a post from a blog which has total of six posts. But I liked the thoughts in the posts. This is something similar to my thoughts. I hope the author writes often after this.

The next post is about Nothing. The title itself is attractive. It’s nothing and started reading that. Remember the law of conservation of energy which we learned back in our school days? That is used here in a clever way. And I really liked this line. Just remember – if you want to make something, you can’t make it out of nothing.

How much you know about cancer? Are you aware of how deadly it is?? Do you know some cancer can be cured? Do you know which common day to day things can lead to  cancer? Too many questions. Some of the answers are found in The Dust on Your Computer Screen . I never knew my monitor can cause cancer. I am most of the times in front of this. This post was an eye opener.

The last post is about pictures. The author is a photographer or loves to take photos. The couple in the photo looks nice. There is a different kind of brightness on their face. This link is Another evening in the park. I will not write much about this. I’ll move  and let you read the blog and the pictures. 😀

Eye Shaped Camera

Human eye is one of the best creations and it’s one of the best part of our body. The best part varies from person to person. The news is about an eye shaped camera which resembles human eye. It was successfully designed by the US scientists using standard sensor materials. Looking at the picture it looks to be an ideal solution for bionic eye.

Eye shaped camera

This is a great boon to those who are blind. This breakthrough should help them to see this beautiful world again. The scientists have said that this could be well used for an artificial retina. I don’t have to tell you how important is this retina for our eyes. It is first time that the camera is demonstrated on curved surface to make it look like human eye. Picture tells us how successful the attempt is.

The surface may well look curved but is made up of very small squares. These tiny squares hold the photo detectors and electronic components. The squares are connected to each other with tiny wires which help the squares to mould into curve surface. It is difficult task to mount the circuit boards on curved surface as they come only in flat shape. The above solution helped to mount the components without breaking them.

Another good use of it may be in the robots. Current generation robots could be improved to a great extent with the use of this eye shaped camera. They will also resemble human beings more precisely. Only time will tell us where this ground breaking invention will lead us. Till that time comes you can keep reading my blog and..

Think Nonsense…


If you have a dog, then this must be a familiar situation. I don’t have a dog but I’ve seen such thing happening. Dogs running around, barking, making strange sounds to avoid bath. Oh.. And I’ve seen human being species acting like that also. It’s surprising how dogs and humans acts similar on same thing.

Learning .Net

Whats that??? I actually never figured out why programming languages have such names. .Net, C#, C ,C++ (yeah yeah. ++ because it’s the next version of C). But then I realized that they must have considered some situations which may lead to many confusions. And the confusions lead to more confusions.

Imagine if the programming languages have names of human beings. Consider .Net. If .Net was called as Jessica (My favorite Hollywood actress). What would have been difficulties while conversations?? Something like…

I want to learn Jessica

I’m learning Jessica

Jessica is Object oriented

Jessica has garbage collector

Programmers are really intelligent persons. I never under estimated them. But they do consider such things and it’s mind blowing.

Does that programmers rule apply to me?? I’m writing code in .Net and hence logically I’m a programmer. But how can a person with lot’s of nonsense be called a programmer and hence an intelligent person?? Consider myself as an exception. 😀

Think Nonsense… 

The Same Old Story

This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it. But Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.

Yeah Yeah. The same old story. You read this thousand times in e-mail, blogs, papers or framed somewhere. If that’s the case then why I repeated this. Just to remind you once again. We all have read this but how many followed this? Now I don’t know how to make this question mark size big. Because it’s a big question mark. You read it. Most probably read it 2-3 times to understand it. Or to feed in memory so that you can tell someone else. But the question still remains. Did you followed it?

When you are given some work, do you do it yourself?? If possible you try to put it on someone else. Making things easy. Huh….. Personally I too cannot follow this completely. I try my best. Do most of my things myself and the things told to me also. But its human nature which loves to make things easy. We need to change that. It takes a lot of effort to change it. But give a try. You’ll surely succeed.

Think Nonsense…