Evolution and Other Tails


Was it the God or was it the Evolution that took away the tail? If you believe in God, then it is God. Otherwise it’s Charles Darwin. This guy blamed everything on evolution. Surprisingly, much of the world agrees with the theory of evolution. I am skeptical about the theory. Sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it doesn’t. 

Lately, I have stopped believing that Man evolved from apes. I don’t think it’s evolutionary process. I am no scientist and hence I may not be true and may not be able to give proper explanation. But think about it. If Man evolved from apes then why all apes haven’t evolved? Or why aren’t they evolving? They should have evolved to make houses or weapons at least. But they still fight with bare hands. I don’t think they would evolve to dress. I mean, Being naked is very comfortable. Why to lose the comfort? Also, it would be difficult to accommodate the tail. 

After watching Rise of Planet of the Apes and Dawn of Planet of the apes (This one is gem of a movie), Things makes much more sense. It was a virus. We were infected by a virus which made us what we are. That virus enhanced our brain, Weakened our body and took our tail. That virus also injected feelings which are useless chemical reactions and they are the by-product of the evolution. 

Let’s keep emotions aside. Think about the tails. What I would have done with my tail? 
1) I would have used it to nudge 
2) I would have invented new dance moves involving my tail
3) I would have designed my own app named “Tell a tail” 
4) I would have used it to kill mosquitoes, flies and boredom
5) As a whip to be used on pets etc. etc.. 
6) I would have deleted the word tailender.

This is a short list. Let’s limit it to this as some of the rest are naughty ones. 

What would you have done with your tail? 

Think about it.. 
Till then… 
Think Nonsense… 

Species :- Bookworm

Kingdom: Animalia

Height: Ranges between 5″ – 6″.

Build: Thin and easily vulnerable to any kind of attack. Delicate species so please handle with care.

Weight: Since they are thin, it ranges from 30-60 kg.

Identification Marks: Easy to recognize as they wear thick glasses. Evolution haven’t affected their eyesight which should have improved by adaptation. When not wearing glasses, can be identified by dark circles around eyes.

Class: Always full attendance. Normally sits in front row.

Color: Varies. Becomes Pink or faint Red when in contact with the member of opposite sex.

Location: Other than class they can be found in the nearest library or their favorite food center which is often called “The Book Store”. Now due to the advancement in technology they are also found in front of Computer eating virtual version of their food called e-books.

Living area: Their living area is often called as Lab or Library. Typically you’ll find it filled with their favorite food (The books…).

Characteristics: Highly emotional and totally unsocial. They don’t speak much and lack one of the beautiful characteristics of their major species called smile. But if they take part in any social activity they become the cause of humor. Their dressing sense is “horrible” as termed by the major species. Clothes are loose and always go against the trend. Their wardrobe is filled of books rather than clothes.

If found, please try to socialize them.
Issued in public interest by International Bookworm Society.