Something Happened Today

A Little while ago, on the very same day someone was born. This guy gets a year old today. That guy proved to be headache for many. Just talking nonsense and writing nonsense. he just started to ruin others life. But the motive was simple. Make others laugh for a while and think different for a while.

By now you must have guessed. Yeah it’s me. This weird creature was born today. I don’t know how many peoples liked me or may be hated me during these years. But I never actually wanted to hurt anyone. I am a very crazy guy and proud about my craziness. Just because does the best thing I like in this world. It brings a beautiful smile on someones face.

This skeleton is horrifying, But certainly not to be afraid of. While I’m writing this I received  a birthday message from someone I never expected to be the first one. Such unexpected things are my likes. At least I got a beautiful start today. Making the day beautiful is my duty.

Think Nonsense…. 


Do you know cats too smile??? Don’t believe me then check the following picture. Eight kinds of smiles.

The next time you see cat try to find out it is smiling or not.



What to say about that. Its fun 🙂 . Humor adds spice to life. If you dont smile you miss something. A long old say that holds true forever.

“Smile is a small curve which makes everything straight”

Whether you are a boss or worker, common man or big businessman, 18 or 80…

You all love that curve on face. Sometimes if you cant smile you like to see that smile on the faces of your loved ones. Spread the happiness and make this curve longer. The more you’ll share the more you’ll be happy.

Here is a part of sharing from me (Yeah I’m selfish too, to get more happiness) .

Enjoy and Think Nonsense…