Ever wondered about this? Ever got a question like this? Probably never. But I get this question when I am idle. I am still trying to find the best answer to this question. When you are idle, it is the time when you get so many question and it happens that you don’t have answers to them. You are desperate to find the answers. There are some silly questions also which you don’t put forward as you are afraid of being called an idiot or may be a retard.
So what do you do then? My bad habit of being restless till I find the answer still exists. So I start looking for the probable answer. One of the first answers is that our brain loves to think. So it cannot stop the process of thinking. You can say that the love is Romeo and Juliet kind of love. There is no certain topic or certain area of thinking. It is random and happens unknowingly most of the time.
The second answer is rather scientific. There was this doctor named Dr. No who did a research on this topic and finally he died of thinking too much about “Why do we think??” Before dying he wrote the results in a diary. It took months and lots of efforts by the handwriting experts to understand and recreate the results. It said that there becomes some chemical imbalance in our brain which evokes the neurons creating impulses which picks up random words we know and generates a random sentence. This sentence then becomes thought. It was quiet clear that Dr. No was deeply researching and had lost his mind. Continue reading →