Black and White

A ray of light has two colors at the extremes. Colors are not colors when these two are taken out of the stream. Colors are meaningless but we gave them meanings. Different cultures, different religions have different level of importance to these colors. The only common are two colors. Black and White. Almost everywhere White signifies peace and good whereas Black signifies evil or bad. Though common significance these two “colorsplays important role in many countries.

Somewhere in an unknown place in this world two piglets are born from the same mother. It is unusual as most of the times the number is more than two. One of them was Black and other was White. White was very proud of his color and always teased Black for his color. The aggressive nature of Black always resulted in fights. Their mother was now unable to handle the childrens. She always wanted both of them to stay together. Not just stay together, but happily stay together.

One day a quick brown fox jumps over the fence and starts searching for his lunch. Just then his eyes catch the piglets. There was a dog house with a jammed door but there was no dog. Hence “the lazy dog” doesn’t come in picture. Effort by only one was not enough to open the door. They dash the door together. Door opens where they hide safely. That fox goes away with empty hands. Now both the pigs realize their mistake. They hug and live happily together. Continue reading →