So Easy Difficulties

Yesterday I received an e-mail from a friend. Actually I read that thing sometime back. It was really nice to recall that stuff. That e-mail is about a conversation between an interviewer and a boy.

Interviewer: You have two options. I can ask you one difficult question or ten easy questions. Think well and make a choice.

Boy thinks for a while and says
“I choose one difficult question.”

Interviewer: Great. Best of luck. Here comes the question. What comes first, Day or Night?

That was a difficult question. But realizing that his admission depends on this he answers
“It’s the Day Sir”

Interviewer: How?
Boy: You said only one difficult question.

Guess what!!! He got selected.

It totally depends on us to take the easy way or the tough way. As from the above example, tough options may turn out to be easy to deal with. Taking a risk will never take you to bottom. Instead you’ll learn to deal with such difficulties. While doing so, don’t let the easy things slip out of you. Or one day you realize while taking on difficult ways that you are missing the easy ways.

Difficulties are not difficulties if they don’t take the best of of you.

Till the difficulties take you interview…
Think Nonsense…

Where is me?

Few days back I wrote a post. I thought it’s a bit incomplete. Today I met a person who made me feel that it’s incomplete. Time flies very fast. Especially when you are young. You don’t know when you cross your twenties and step into thirties and then forties. I am dragging this topic just because I don’t want anyone else to have the same experience as I had.


The working robot continues. It’s like you don’t have any options. You are bound to some relations which depend on you. Most work selflessly for others. I salute to them. But a time comes in your life when you have lots of time. Then you start asking some stupid questions to yourself. One of them is, What have I done for myself?

I worked hard. I gave all facilities to my children’s like a good parent. Did everything to keep them and all my family happy. During this I forgot myself. It’s not just my age which results in memory loss. Forgetting myself is not due to memory loss. I am trying to find a memory where I did something for myself. Which I wanted. There was no family involved. There was just me and that moment. My aged, weak memory doesn’t find one.

Talking with a person who have experienced life can be great. You just don’t add years to your professional experience. Personal experience counts more. I am glad I got some more. If you are a bachelor or single then just don’t run after finding job. Don’t just waste your life. Take some time out and enjoy yourself. If you are on a job, then take a leave just for you and no one else. Just a single day of you, for you. You’ll remember it forever. You’ll never ask yourself…

Where is me???