
Mango….The king of fruits. I just love mangoes. And there is no limit to eating it. Actually I love to eat seasonal fruits. Like these mangoes which grow up in summer. But this summer is a bit different. Oh I must say now this summer was a bit different. It’s raining heavily here. Every summer we used to get mangoes at a decent price. But before that uncle used to send us and they used to be whole lot of them. But this year somehow the fruit is prolonged. The fruits are there but are not ripe. They are there for about two months. Just last week onwards they started ripening.

I missed this fruit for whole season. Last week when I went to uncles house me together with my brother picked up fruits from the tree. The Monkey in me is always awake. Climbing the tree was not a big task. I picked almost 250-300 mangoes. I actually went to eat one beautiful jungle fruit. I don’t know what is that called in english, But it tastes great. And again I was unfortunate there that fruit was hardly seen this year. Continue reading →

Raining in May

It rained today. Unlike the showers in the Feb-March, this looks to be pre monsoon showers. It was really getting hot here. I was dying due to heat. It was really difficult to get out and feel the sun. But this shower for added a cooling sensation. It rained for about half an hour and now it has stopped. But it certainly brought the temperature down.

This is normal period or time for monsoon showers. They usually come during this time only. I hope these are pre monsoon showers. Somehow I have a strange fear that rains will behave very unexpectedly  this year. It did same last year. Rains were unexpected last year. They used to disappear for some days and all collective rain quota for those days used to shower on one day. This created flood situations.

I’ll have to rush to my uncles farm for some forest fruits of summer. Else when rain starts those fruits disappear. I’ve planned to go on Saturday. Lets hope rains don’t interrupt and I’ve some fun there.

Rains Again

It’s been 4 days raining heavy here. I haven’t seen rains like this in summer before.

The summer has not yet started and the rains arrived. I feel like I’m in the monsoons. Though monsoons are supposed to start in June. As I’ve said earlier about Ice Age looks like it’s going true. I’ve seen various climatic changes in past 2 years. They all indicate towards a big climatic change on our planet.

Still confused whether it’s natural or man-made. May be Mother nature wants to heal the wounds and is making those changes. We have already hurt her very much and in spite of all troubles we are getting we continue to do so. I don’t know when we will realize the importance and understand the climatic changes.

As said in my earlier post, We can take some precautions. But will they work?? They should be. Though I’m in doubt about the changes being natural or man-made, I’m inclined towards that its being man-made. The pollution, cutting of trees, overuse of resources make me think so. My posts like this may not change the minds of all but I’ll be happy if it changes one.

Save Nature…