When Superheroes Retired

This post is inspired from my previous post. A part of this originates from the movie Incredibles. You decide whether to call this plagiarism or improvisation(what’s that???). If you haven’t seen that movie then you may also think that the director lifted my idea to make his film. I am leaving this up to you to make your brain think for a while and get some exercise else it would rust lying idle there.

99% of you must have figured out by now that I’ll be talking about superheroes. These are peoples just like you and me but having weird dressing sense. I actually call them superheroes because no one else can wear their dresses. Who will wear an underwear above his pants? Who will wear capes which may get stuck and out you into trouble? My shirt gets stuck to latches, corner of table, nails and such sharp or pointed things(May be I am a bit careless). Imagine how they must be handling it.

Superheroes were born to fight against crime and save the cities or the whole world from evil things. Just for a second, try to recall a person who fights against crime or is trying to deliver justice. You’ll notice that he faces a lot of criticism and actually people are against him. Similar thing is about superheroes. It’s even said that they create their own troubles and then solve those so that everyone calls them superheroes. So much for bring super. Continue reading →

Superhero Movies that rocked

It’s two months since the release of The Dark Knight. I was really eager to watch the film and just today I competed downloading it’s screener. It was pain as no one was seeding the torrent. I’ll keep that apart. I want to talk about the movie. It is much talked movie and now it’s my turn.

So it is Sunday. I wake up late and I am in fool mood of watching films. Add to it it was my mothers birthday according to Indian calender. She likes to celebrate it according to that. So it was four of us who enjoyed the birthday. On this occasion this dumbass just wishes to give her some more happy moments and she never have to take the smile of her face. I got to eat chocolate cake for this. 🙂 This was at night.

Iron Man review Continue reading →

The Dark Knight

I couldn’t believe this. I think I need some sleep. Check out this picture. If you are digg user then you probably have seen this. The actual story behind this post is Digged here.

The Dark Knight

I am posting the same image here. Hope that person doesn’t mind this. Is this movie this worth?? How can a movie beat the greatest in the list. The Godfather Trilogy, The Shawshank Redemption, The Good The Bad And The Ugly are the best movies. I’ve seen all of these and they deserve to be there. It’s amazing that a film manages to go ahead of these classics.

The Good The Bad And The Ugly is my favorite movie. I just cannot give this place to any other movie. I watched this movie two years ago and it’s still the best. Then goes The Shawshank Redemption and then the Godfather Trilogy. The Trilogy is slow and gives me a headache but in the end it ends to my favorites.

If the rating continue at this rate then I’ll be reserving tickets when it comes to theaters near me. Just curious about this movie. Maybe it’s the Ledgers death causing this and\or his acting. If you are reading this and watched the movie then please rate it out of ten.