Thank you god for everything

Everyday is not same. We go through a series of changes which may also change the course of our life. When we get something good or we are happy, we often forget to thank god for that. But when it’s bad time we suddenly remember god and that also for cursing. Why me? Why did you do this to me? What wrong I did? This happens when you forget to thank god. It doesn’t matter if it’s tiny or negligible thing. Just thank god for giving that.

A while ago, I read a blog where the author wrote good things that happen in his everyday life. I am trying to find that blog and will link it when I find. I don’t want to turn my blog into something similar like that blog. So I’ll write a post every week to thank god for the good things happened in that day.

  • I had a great breakfast in the morning.  Chapati with sambar tastes great.
  • I was late to get out of the house and was expecting to miss my bus. I didn’t miss that. 🙂
  • There was a dispute between me and an engineer from contractor’s side. It was solved peacefully. Thank you god for giving me enough patience.
  • I had good lunch with butter to add to taste.
  • I was able to convince contractors engineers again in another dispute. That was twice in a day. 🙂
  • I met a friend while returning to home, whose wedding I wasn’t able to attend. Happy to see that he was not angry on me.
  • A cup of coffee with some toasts and a comedy show on TV. Perfect for relaxing.

Do you thank to god? Would you like to? Would you like to create a post like this? Then go ahead and send me link to that post. I’ll put that link along with this post.

What do you think about change?

Change is coming.. All eyes are on America and the new US President Barack Obama. All TV channels broadcasting almost anything about Obama. Few hours back I saw a news channel broadcasting about “What Obama will have to give up?”. That includes things like cycling in public places, his hobby for swimming, His love for beaches, his blackberry and so on.. After watching that telecast I said to myself that I am not sure about the change that Obama will bring, But the change has already entered his life.

Focused by media as the “First Black President”, he is looked upon as a person who will bring change everywhere. Till date not a single President brought change it seems. The fact that he is black is the change. I am not sure that whole US has accepted him as President or was in favor of him. He got 52 percent of the votes. What about the 48 percent? That’s a close finish.

Why I am pointing towards this is because those 48 percent were not in favor of color change. I wrote a post just before election with title Black and White. It doesn’t seem to have worked. When you want change then majority should be in favor of it. This majority should be noticeable. The same situation persists in India where Congress rules in spite of bad governance. Change is always talked upon and never implemented.

I hope this is not the case with Obama. I don’t expect him to bring changes that will change the course of whole world within course of days. What I expect is slow, steady change and positive change. Looking at his support, I am pretty sure that he will be re-elected again after four years. Everyone is against war and that was prime reason for hate for Bush. There are problems which have to be solved by war and war is the lone solution. Then take this as the last option. Don’t hesitate. Take hard decisions that will surely benefit although you may have to face opposition.

Wishing him the best….

Let the change, change everything…

Life without a price tag

The world today revolves around some shit of paper called money. Everything, well almost everything, can be bought with money.  Some say emotions cannot be sold. But what about the ones we watch in movies? They are emotions. They reflect on us. We laugh, we cry, we are happy, we are sad when we watch movies.  So in a sense emotions also have a price tag.

Money isn't everything

So what will happen to this world without money? Just imagine the world without money. While picturizing this you may get horrible pictures if you are a businessman or a banker. On the other side, one who is poor will be happy. There is no money and he doesn’t have to worry about money now. But will the life without money really remove poverty? That’s a question I cannot answer. Continue reading →

Fans of Heath Ledger

After watching The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger gained a lot of fans around the world. It was not just early death sympathy. His unforgettable performance was the main factor. Many of his fans try to imitate his best performance. Yes, the Joker. And his fans list is not limited to humans. Here are his two fans who watched The Dark Knight. Now they try to put a smile on our face. They sure succeed. :biggrin:

Heath Ledger fan

Heath Ledger fan