My Conversation With God

Me: God.. Why have you kept me lonely so far? What’s your evil plan for me?
God: Who says you are lonely?
Me: Some family members of mine.
God: And?
Me: Some people around me.
God : And?
Me: Myself.
God: But I am with you. You don’t like my company?
Me: No no no. It’s not like that. I like to be with you. But you are God and not a person. Also, people believe in you. But if I say that I am talking to you when I am alone, they’ll admit me to the nearest mental hospital.
God: Is it about what people say to you or is it just you?
Me: *thinks for a while* It’s both.
God: You can’t fix people. They have their own twisted logic. What you can do is to fix yourself.
Me: Get a partner? I tried and I gave up. You aren’t helping me.
God: You’ll never be lonely if you have my company. The desire to have someone physically by your side is the root of this problem.
Me: But.. But.. What’s wrong in having such a desire? When I look around, everyone has someone with them. I feel left out.
God: Desire, expectation, make way for disappointment. You already know that. Yet you behave like you are ignorant.
Me: What should I do?
God: Don’t think about it. If at all you feel alone, give me a call.
Me: So you aren’t helping me to find a partner for myself.
God: I am. You can have a partner who may or may not be there always or You can have a partner who will always be there with you. Your call. *vanishing act*
Me: ………
Me: Fuck life…

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