So Easy Difficulties

Yesterday I received an e-mail from a friend. Actually I read that thing sometime back. It was really nice to recall that stuff. That e-mail is about a conversation between an interviewer and a boy.

Interviewer: You have two options. I can ask you one difficult question or ten easy questions. Think well and make a choice.

Boy thinks for a while and says
“I choose one difficult question.”

Interviewer: Great. Best of luck. Here comes the question. What comes first, Day or Night?

That was a difficult question. But realizing that his admission depends on this he answers
“It’s the Day Sir”

Interviewer: How?
Boy: You said only one difficult question.

Guess what!!! He got selected.

It totally depends on us to take the easy way or the tough way. As from the above example, tough options may turn out to be easy to deal with. Taking a risk will never take you to bottom. Instead you’ll learn to deal with such difficulties. While doing so, don’t let the easy things slip out of you. Or one day you realize while taking on difficult ways that you are missing the easy ways.

Difficulties are not difficulties if they don’t take the best of of you.

Till the difficulties take you interview…
Think Nonsense…

The Art Of Writing

Dhish.. Dhush.. Bhiskyaw..

Don’t run away. I have not gone mad. These are the sounds of the firecrackers telling the whole world that I am back with a bang. It’s been almost a month since my last post. Reasons are obvious and these hurdles in blogging seem to be perpetual. You can go through my archives to find the probable reasons if you are still interested.

As for the the post title, I am going to tell you some secrets of writing. These secrets were discovered by me in the last whole month with some extensive re-search(Notice and read the hyphen). This will change the whole blogging world and anyone who reads further will take a big step towards writing. I suggest to stumble, digg or bookmark this post as soon as you finish.

Here are the five secrets of writing.

  • Read books by controversial authors. Learn from them how to create a controversy. Implement it in your writing and find yourself everywhere. You’ll find yourself on YouTube videos featuring peoples using your poster as toilet paper. This will increase your popularity exponentially as YouTube is very popular.
  • Create characters which will indulge in romance. Doesn’t matter if it’s straight or the opposite of straight. What’s important is the romantic, erotic description of them making love.
  • Use abusive and vulgar language. That’s a “must” rule in modern writing. If you don’t know to write using vulgar words, Go fuck yourself. (This is just example. Not meant to you)
  • Hire a ghost writer. He will write for you and you’ll get paid x number of times more than him. Do not use this trick if you are afraid of ghosts.
  • Learn foreign languages like Chinese, Japanese, Korean and translate their literature in English. They hardly read English literature and very few English literates read their literature.  Don’t think it’s plagiarism. You are doing a work of honor by spreading the knowledge around the world rather than restricting to a certain region.

Follow these rules and you are on the right path of success(I wonder if there is any wrong path of success). Please give credit to me or this post at least for your success.

Keep Blogging and Keep Writing…
Think Nonsense…

P.S. : The sound of firecrackers at the start of this post turned out to be those used in Diwali celebrations. I thought…

The Disconnected

Pain… is very painful. huh… Especially when someone close to you departs. You do everything possible to stop, but that person leaves you. Leaves you forever. That’s something you can’t do anything about. That’s what life is. It is very ruthless, ugly and yet beautiful. That’s supposed to be the greatest irony.

I have a friend whose name is Vijay. A cheerful, jolly person with a loud voice and thin body. Just like me. We met recently and I didn’t knew much about him. Today he started to open some pages of his life and I was surprised. He’s got five brothers including him and a sister. That’s a big family and he was the only person on whom the whole family depended until recently his brothers got jobs. After things got settled he married a year back.

What surprised me was that he had a twin brother. The had part surprised.. well shocked me. His name was Ajay. Both the brothers were exact copy. It was difficult to recognize them if they stood by side. Ajay married a couple of months earlier than Vijay. His wife gave birth to a baby boy. He was very happy and he planned his 1st birthday to be celebrated in a grand way. At this stage everything was going good. But they say… “When everything is going good, prepare for something really bad.
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