Time for Time Machine

Time machine has always been a fantasy. Thousands of fictional books have been written on this topic and still many more to come. Same is with movies. The classic Back to the future series is the best example I can give at this moment. Although movies on this subject are dried up they will not stop. There will be more in future. This is one fantasy which all will love to come true. Well.. I have good news for you then.

Here is a smart guy named João Magueijo from Portugal who found a great breakthrough. Almost all of us know that light travels at 3 lakh kilometers per second. (If you don’t know then you bunked your science classes. You may skip this post as it may not turn out interesting to you.) But this guy thinks that the speed of light varies. Due to this Einsteins theory will go in vain. This means we can travel with speed of light.

We will be able to travel in space, solve the mystery of black holes and travel through time.  Forget about first two, What will you do if you can travel between times? I have many things to do there. Erasing some bad memories will help. But I don’t want to erase all of them. I would love to visit my grandma. I miss her a lot.  I would like to transfer Microsoft, Google, Yahoo on my name at the time of their launch. I would also love to hold bush straight when the reporter throws shoes at him.

Many of you will travel in your future first so as to secure it. I would travel into my back life. There were many happy moments which I would love to visit again and enjoy again. Some silly fights which I want to correct. Why should I worry about the future which I haven’t seen??(That’s a mandatory question. Otherwise it means a lot.) Time machine will solve many of my problems.

So I’ll repeat again the same question? what will you do if you have time machine?

Think Nonsense…

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